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Friday, September 20, 2024

Cha- Cha referendum pushed

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A RESOLUTION calling for a referendum that will allow the electorate to decide on the proposed economic Charter Change through a constitutional convention has been filed at the House of Representatives.

Mountain Province Rep. Maximo Dalog said he filed House Resolution 2384 in response to proposals from various sectors to amend or revise the 1987 Constitution “in order to cope with the growing demands of the modern times.”

Mountain Province Rep. Maximo Dalog

He said a referendum is necessary “in order to resolve the issue on whether or not to amend or revise the Constitution, there is a need to consult the people directly by way of referendum and let their sovereign will prevail.”

Dalog, chairman of the House committee on North Luzon Growth, proposed the referendum to be held simultaneously with the national and local elections on May 9, 2016. 

In the referendum, he said the people will be asked:  “Do you want the 17th Congress to, within 90 days from the opening of its session, call for a constitutional convention that will be composed of elected and appointed delegates to propose amendments to, or revision of, the 1987 Constitution?”

If adopted by the House of Representatives, the resolution shall direct the Commission on Elections to include the mentioned question on the ballot for the May 9, 2016 national elections, Dalog pointed out.

“There is likewise a clamor from the business sector to amend some of the economic provisions of our Constitution which are reasons why foreign investors are shying away from the Philippines, thereby greatly affecting our progress economically,” Dalog explained.

Dalog also cited Section 3, Art. XVIII of the l987 Constitution which provides that “the Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of all its members, call for a constitutional convention, or by a majority vote of all its members, submit to the electorate the question calling for such convention.”

The House earlier approved Resolution of Both Houses No. 1 on second reading and pending for third and final reading approval.

RBH No. 1 is eyeing to amend economic provisions on the 60-40 rule that limits foreign ownership of certain activities in the Philippines.  At the Senate, Senator Ralph Recto filed his counterpart measure.

The resolution will include the phrase “unless provided by law” in the foreign-ownership provision of the Constitution, particularly land ownership, public utilities, natural resources, media and advertising industries.

Under Article XII of the Constitution, which ratified during the term of the President’s mother, then-President Corazon Aquino, foreign investors are prohibited to own more than 40 percent of real properties and businesses, while they are totally restricted to exploit natural resources and own any company in the media industry.


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