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Friday, September 20, 2024

Life lessons from a young man who bounced back from failure

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If you’re reading this today, you probably know by this time that life is not all peaches and cream, but rather, a bumpy ride full of obstacles and detours. And while we cannot control the challenges that will come the next day, it is how we respond to them that makes a difference. 

When a problem gets you down, you can either get up or remain on the ground. 

Bryan Quiazon

When Far Eastern University student Bryan Quiazon slipped up, he did not waste time sulking in a corner. With resolve and dedication, he was able to rise from the challenges and bounce back from his mistakes. 

Who would have imagined that a student who once lost his opportunity to go to school due to neglect would be FEU’s top academic scholar? But he did. And during the awarding ceremonies of the FEU Top Achievers of 2015, Bryan shared his story and five lessons he learned in retrospect. 

1. Beware of distractions 

that offer only temporary joy and eventually cause you to lose sight of the things that matter.

When Bryan graduated from high school, he was lucky to receive a scholarship in a good university. However, he got side-tracked by various distractions such as computer games, barkada, and other vices, which eventually caused him to lose his scholarship. His family could not afford to pay for his tuition so at the age of 17, Bryan found himself out of school.

“I lost confidence in myself and had a lot of regrets. It was the darkest moment in my young life. I do not want to be in that place again,” he recalled.

2. Turn slip-ups  into opportunities.

Needless to say, Bryan was dejected. He thought he had lost his only chance at a good education. But after spending a year recovering, he realized he needed to pick himself up and make himself useful. So, out of school and fighting depression, Bryan weighed his options to start anew and eventually found a job in a BPO company.

“I found happiness again. I found something I could potentially excel in,” he said. He committed his life to his job, studied the art of customer service, and set out to be the best in his field. With renewed vigor, passion and commitment, Bryan got promoted within his first year of employment.

3. Never underestimate the value of education. 

A lot of students, especially those who are fortunate to be in a family that can support their needs, take education for granted. These students tend to waste their parents’ money while others can only hope to finish their studies. It took losing an education for Bryan to realize how important it was. “I knew deep inside that even after earning paychecks that can support an entire family, I still had a dream unfulfilled. Given the opportunity to study again, I would have to go all-out. I would have to study hard and be the best in every class,” he shared.

4. When that opportunity comes, never, ever let it out of your sight. 

When his second chance came in the form of being accepted as a student in FEU Diliman, he pursued the dream he had left hanging without hesitation. He enrolled in a degree program with a major in Information Technology, and became a student by day and a full time worker by night. 

“For me, time is not just gold, it is a precious diamond. As a working student, I value every second because I want to fulfill my dream.” 

With patience, dedication and that determination borne out of failure and the strength to rise back up, Bryan topped all of his classes. He became FEU’s number one academic scholar for the school year 2014-2015 with a 4.00 GPA. 

5. Find your source of motivation.

Working and studying at the same time was definitely a challenge. To stay motivated during those days when he just wanted to stay in bed from sheer exhaustion, Bryan turned to his mother for inspiration. Bryan’s mother became his coach, relentlessly pushing and encouraging him to stay focused on his goals. “With hard work, focus, and a good support system, anyone can spring back from adversity and return to the path of success,” he said. 

“Remember, just because you’re down, doesn’t mean you’re out. Find your truest reason for motivation, keep it and move forward.”



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