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Arts and Culture Roundup: What’s on in theaters and galleries this week

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Access Point
Upstairs Gallery, Finale Art File, Makati City
Ongoing until February 27

In this day and age when digital technology pushes books and other “older” repository of information into obsolescence, many are toying with the idea that the library has “had its day.” But visual artist Ranelle Dial begs to differ through her latest series of artwork on exhibit.

In Dial’s solo show, she revisits the idea of the library as an access point of knowledge. The artist recreates the library space and bookshelf to call attention to how the fundamental and traditional practice of reading serves as a base station for generating new understanding. She shows through her works that, despite information being one click away, books continue to persist and resist being another cassette tape or floppy disk – in short, obsolete. 

To know more about this ongoing exhibit, visit

Main Gallery, ArtInformal, Mandaluyong City
Ongoing until March 12

For his fifth solo exhibition, visual artist Cian Dayrit takes his cue from Rey Ileto’s classic book Pasyon and Revolution that tackles the revolutionary movements in the Philippines from 1840 to 1910 through the popular devotional practices.

For his series of artwork, Dayrit takes a different tack and approaches the now-familiar forms and formats of devotional paraphernalia. The artist uses devotional imagery and form to map out the conceptual worlds of movements that continue to inform the Philippine context and examine these movements as practices of devotion. 

Visit for more information on this exhibit.

Salt Water
Silverlens Galleries, Makati City
Ongoing until March 12

Water has long been associated with self-reflection, journeys, mystery, life and death. It is considered as one of the most enduring subjects in art, and Elaine Navas shares the fascination for it as well.

In her latest solo exhibition, Navas explores this subject by appropriating Roni Horn’s Still Water, a series of large photographs of the Thames, through her signature use of impasto or thickly applied paint. Navas fills her canvas with only water, void of any other features that can point to a sense of place or other meaning. By doing so, she reinforces a feeling of timelessness and placeless-ness. 

For inquiries and more details, contact (02) 816-0044 or [email protected] or visit

The World We Live In: Through the Lens of Contemporary Photography

Ayala Museum, Makati City
February 17 to March 27

How do contemporary photographers document and interpret the world around us? Five iconic photographers answer this question through their aesthetically thrilling and thought-provoking works exhibited by Sundaram Tagore Gallery, Collective 8 and Ayala Museum. 

The exhibit includes works of highly acclaimed photographers Sebastião Salgado, Steve McCurry, Robert Polidori, Edward Burtynsky and Annie Leibovitz, all of whom share a global perspective in their artistic endeavors. The five artists are known for crafting unique and often breathtaking visual narratives of contemporary culture’s key issues. Salgado and McCurry record human struggle, while Polidori investigates the cultural values embedded in the human habitat. Burtynsky, on the other hand, lays bare the often-devastating impact of manufacturing and human consumption. Leibovitz, on the other hand, explores the intrinsic pull of celebrity and power. 

Call (02) 759-8288 or email [email protected] for more information on this upcoming exhibit.


How To Write Movie Reviews
Ayala Museum, Makati City
February 18 and 25

For amateur writers and experienced scribes who are eager to learn how to write movie reviews, they can now learn from seasoned movie reviewer and writer Jessica Zafra. 

For the first part of Zafra’s Writing Boot Camp, she will teach participants how to translate their personal views on a movie into a well-written review piece. The two-part session consists of discussions, brief screenings and quick writing exercises. Reading assignments and the viewing assignment (one movie, a fun one) are given out upon registration. Writing materials as well as coffee and snacks are provided.

Registration fee is P5,500. For inquiries and more details, call (02) 759-8288 or email [email protected].


PPO: Carl Nielsen
Tanghalang Nicanor Abelardo, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Pasay City
February 19; 8:00 p.m.

The music of Denmark’s foremost composer Carl Nielsen will be played in the upcoming February concert of the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Olivier Ochanine. 

With guest artist soprano Dénise Beck and baritone Thomas Storm from Denmark, the PPO will perform some of Nielsen’s most beloved music and his Symphony No. 3 “Sinfonia Espansiva.” The program is part of the Carl Nielsen Project. 

The CNP is an undertaking and collaboration by Maestro Ochanine and Storm, with support from the Royal Danish Embassy in Manila in cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines. The show aims to introduce Nielsen to Filipinos as part of the Danish composer’s 150th anniversary last year.


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