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Friday, September 20, 2024

How to manage cold and flu infections

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Rainy days are here again, and if you’ve been sneezing or sniffling lately, better make sure you take the necessary precautions to prevent colds and flu from cramping your style or ruining your day. Aside from the discomfort of repeated sneezing – not to mention the embarrassment – those with colds or flu experience watery eyes, nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, and tiredness – things that keep you from doing work. While this condition may be self-limiting and usually lasts for a week or two, ordinary colds are not something to sniff at.

“A cold is typically mild while flu may result in serious health problems, like pneumonia. Although these viral infections are highly contagious, there are ways to keep from getting infected and to recover quickly,” says Dr. Nicky Montoya, president of MediCard Philippines. 

Practice good hygiene and maintain a healthy lifestyle to help prevent the onset of colds and flu

Here are ways to prevent cold and flu infections, and if you already have them, some tips to recover easily.

Wash frequently with soap and water. It may sound like a cliché, but hand washing has been scientifically proven to prevent viral infections. Your hands touch so many germ-infected objects every day, but you can kill these pesky germs by washing your hands with soap and water. In case water and soap are not available, use alcohol or alcohol-based hand sanitizers as alternative. 

Always practice good hygiene. Nothing beats being clean, so make sure your surroundings are clean all the time. Don’t touch your mouth and nose without washing your hands thoroughly first. Keep a hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes handy, so that when you’re out, you can clean surfaces of things that are touched by many people. And remember, don’t share your eating utensils and drinking cups with other people.

Follow a healthy lifestyle. To build a strong immune system, healthy living is important. Eat a well-balanced diet, get enough rest and exercise, and abstain from alcohol, tobacco and do not engage in substance abuse. Vitamin supplements can also provide the nutrients you may be lacking. Taking vitamin C before the onset of a cold is said to shorten the duration of cold symptoms.

Get vaccinated. One of the safest ways to prevent flu infections is through vaccination. Getting flu shots once a year, especially before the start of the flu season, is best. Since your immunity decreases over time and flu viruses are constantly changing, health practitioners recommend getting vaccinated on a regular basis to protect yourself from new strains.

Get regular medical checkups. Over-the-counter antiviral medicines can relieve symptoms, but it is still best to get medical advice rather than self-medicating. Doctors know what treatment is needed for a particular condition, taking into consideration your lifestyle, medical history and physical needs. They can also give you precious advice on preventing sickness and staying healthy all year long.

“No one is invincible from cold and flu infections. But by practicing good hygiene and healthy habits, you can survive the cold and flu season unscathed,” says Dr. Montoya.

MediCard has satellite and free-standing clinics located in major cities nationwide that offer quality consultations and other medical services.  

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