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Friday, September 20, 2024

Tax break for 6m workers eyed

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Around six million public and private sector employees stand to gain from  the abolition of  income taxes  on  those earning P30,000 a month or less,  Senator Nancy Binay said on Wednesday. 

Binay  has made a  commitment to file the enabling  bill   in the 17th Congress. She said it is high time  the situation for many middle income earners was addressed.

“This is the time    to give comfort and security to our many countrymen who are earning below P30,000,” she said.

The senator  said workers and employees can now loosen their belts on their daily needs.”  

“Workers and employees can now bring more food to their families. They can already buy so many things,” he said.

Binay said a family with two to three children needs at least P30,000 a month to live comfortably on a budget.   

“If the P30,000 will be taxed, some items    in the budget will be    affected. There’s a need to adjust and reduce expenses in the basic necessities like food, rental fees, or electric and water bill and also fare going to work and school,” he said.   

The  senator added that many middle income earners are the ones who immediately feel the undue burden of paying taxes because they are the ones bordering higher income tax brackets.   

In her proposed measure, Binay said that income tax brackets would be amended to keep up with the rising prices.      

Binay will also file her  bill on electronic violence against women and children (E-VAWC) bill, meant to safeguard victims of online violence from further harm against their perpetrators who could be a close/distant relative, former spouse/partner or an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. 

Other priority measures include increasing the amount Social Security System (SSS) pensioners receive to P3,200.00 a month for members with at least 10 credited years; the regularization of barangay officials; and granting incentives to public school teachers.

She said this proposed measure is a continuation of the campaign promise of  her father  outgoing Vice President Jejomar C. Binay.


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