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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Don’t call me techie

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Techie (noun) \ˈte-kÄ“\. 

YOU’VE probably considered yourself as one from the magic moment you first discovered basic keyboard shortcuts. But apart from being the go-to guy in your tiny circle of so-called friends on gadgetry and electronics, here are 10 signs that you’re certainly a bona fide techie. 

1. You Don’t Want to Be Called a ‘Techie’

Okay, you want to be known as one, but most definitely you don’t want to be called as such. Well, apparently for the lack of appeal. Of course, you want to go by the names “Gadget Guru” or “Electro Wiz” instead. And technical workers have abandoned the label as well, considering it rude, they prefer “coders” or “hackers” rather than just plain “techie.” Do I really need to elaborate here? 

A trade visitor wears virtual reality goggles while playing the computer game Batman of Sony at the game fair Gamescom in Cologne, western Germany. The fair ran from Aug. 17 to 21.  AFP

2. You’ve Gone ala Tony Stark with your Computer or Gadgets

If you’ve never built a computer from scratch or tried your hand at rooting a smartphone apart from yours, look away now. But if you’re a power tripper that can easily assemble a monster PCU from ‘chopsuey’ parts, then boy, you’ve got some talent. You strip a phone naked without worrying about tweaking something in its hardware, heck, you don’t even mind the warranty you’ve just wasted. 

3. The Samsung vs Iphone Debate are for False Prophets

Speaking of smartphones, what you see about the issue is not what company outsells the other or how many people have these gadgets or what’s their demographic. You just see specs, and I mean a lot. You’ve probably pored countless hours on the Web differentiating the two, but when it comes to the choice, you’re probably going to choose what gives you more access and freedom. Androids do, and I guess that’s the end of that. 

4. You’ve Got To Choose a Side to that Star Trek vs Star Wars Thingy

Speaking of debates, if you’re a techie (I mean, a coder), you’ve probably entered that not-so friendly discussions about whether Scotty did a better job beaming up people or Luke using the force. There’s no middle ground for this, and once you choose a side, there’s no turning back. But wow, that Episode 7 was something else (wink).

5. You’ve accidentally spent an entire day at an electronics store or Cyberzone

Yeah, “accidently.”

One day, a day when you probably got an unfathomable amount of free time, you decide to go to the mall. For whatever reason, I don’t know, but most probably you went by yourself, or if I’m wrong you went with somebody you’ve just got to mentor on the different electronic gadgets, well, because you’re a jerk and it took you a couple of hours just to show how much of an omniscient tool you are.  

6. You are comforted by the fact that all your gadgets lie beside you

Okay two phones, two alarm clocks. We get that reason, but I don’t reckon you also use your laptop for a snooze button. You get that sense of security whenever your electronics surround you in your self-indulgence of just how much of a techie you are, err, sorry hacker. It’s a surprise your earphones haven’t tangled around your neck in your sleep all this time. 

7. You’re not sentimental, you just don’t want to throw away gadgets that easily

Once you get the new one, you still have keep the old, you know, just in case. You’ve still got that prized PS2 among other almost obsolete things from time memorial in your collection. It’s not an advanced case of psychological hoarding disorder, but just to be safe, give them away already. 

8. You’ve just got to be the first among your friends to know the latest

Among the two or three friends you have, you’re probably the first one to talk about the new stuff on the gadgetry market, or the newest software available. You know the latest updates and you always want to rub it in the faces of your plebeian comrades. Yes, Jon Snow, they know nothing. 

9. You just might be a Dude    

There’s that statistically slighter chance of techies being guys, I mean just search the term “techie person” on google images and poof!, almost 90 percent of the pictures popping-up are dudes with a bonus inclusion every time by Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon. But just in case you’re not a dude, then welcome to the club. 

10. You don’t even look like a Techie

A pair of greased-up eye glasses would be a dead give-away, but most techies don’t actually look like Mandark from Dexter’s Laboratory. In truth, many TV shows and cult tech geeky movies sway away most of the time from depicting techies as fat guys pounding on a keyboard with a half-eaten sandwhich on the side, otherwise the proper term for them are nerds (no offense). Most of screen roles for tech guys are portrayed by hunk actors, there is no staple “techie look.” So just do your coding you sexy beast.


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