28.1 C
Friday, September 20, 2024

Free trade dialogues scheduled

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The Trade Department will hold a series of consultations in Manila, Cebu and Davao to discuss proposed free trade agreements with European countries and other business issues.

The consultation aims to solicit inputs on the ongoing FTA negotiations with the European Union and provide a briefing on the Philippines-European Free Trade Association FTA and the EU generalized system of preferences plus, or EU-GSP+.

Members of the business sector, civil society, and relevant government agencies are expected to participate in the consultations this month.  

“We act with deliberate speed to nurture our trade and investment relations with Europe and ensure that our local enterprises can take advantage of the opportunities in European market,” said Trade Undersecretary Ceferino Rodolfo.

“The One Country, One Voice consultations is an important pillar in our unified industry and trade strategy that helps ensure that our trade negotiating position remains rational, responsive to, and grounded on the needs of our stakeholders,” he said 

Early consultations were in key cities in the country, especially on the country’s trade engagements with Japan, the EU and the EFTA countries—Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland.

“Our goal is to build on our offensive interests, identify possible roadblocks and determine the necessary measures to better prepare and strengthen industries to upgrade, thrive, and compete with the country’s European partners,” said Ceferino.

The news consultations will focus on promoting wider involvement in the Philippines’ trade engagements with Europe, particularly in defining the country’s interests and sensitivities in FTA negotiations and in strengthening gains through the EU-GSP+.


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