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Friday, September 20, 2024

Vietnam begins dredging work on disputed reef

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HANOI”•Vietnam has started dredging work on a reef in the South China Sea, fresh satellite images appear to show, a move that could provoke Beijing which claims most of the disputed waterway.

An image of Ladd Reef in the Spratly Islands, where Vietnam has a lighthouse, shows several vessels in a carved out embankment.

Sediment can be seen leaking out into the ocean, according to the Nov. 30 image provided to AFP on Friday by US-based Planet Labs, a satellite imaging company.

A July picture from Planet Labs shows no breach of the reef’s embankment, suggesting the work began in recent months on the small piece of land that is also claimed by Taiwan. 

Vietnamese officials did not respond to a request for comment.

In Manila, Malacañang said Friday the South China Sea issue was expected to be discussed when President Rodrigo Duterte visits Cambodia and later on Singapore from Dec. 13 to 16. 

This will be the last of Duterte’s foreign trips this year before taking over as chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations next year. 

“The South China Sea issued could be raised in the President’s talks with the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen. Maybe under the ambit of regional defense and security issue,” Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary Charles Jose told reporters. 

The images follow photos published last month from US-based Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative that showed Vietnam had extended a runway and was building hangars capable of hosting military equipment on a different island in the Spratlys also claimed by Beijing.

But Vietnam’s latest moves remain small-scale compared to China’s build-up in the waterway, where it has constructed several islands capable of supporting military facilities.  

Though the nature of the work in the photos cannot be confirmed, Vietnam expert Carl Thayer told AFP that Hanoi might be trying to “stock up” ahead of a code of conduct agreement between various claimants in the South China Sea expected     next year.

“If we are moving toward some diplomatic end game at some point in the next year or two, then Vietnam looks like it’s trying to get as much as it can before it’s prohibited,” said Thayer, a professor at the University of New South Wales.   

Beijing on Friday delivered a customary rebuke to Vietnam over the apparent dredging, saying it had “indisputable sovereignty” over all the Spratly Islands, including Ladd Reef, and surrounding waters.

It urged Hanoi to “refrain from complicating the situation and work with China to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea,” foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said at a regular briefing.

The two countries have long traded barbs over the disputed territory in the sea. In 2014 China moved a controversial oil rig into contested waters, prompting riots in Vietnam.

Tensions have eased slightly in recent months but the issue remains incendiary on both sides.

The sea is also claimed by the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan and is rich in energy reserves, fishery resources and is a busy shipping route. With John Paolo Bencito


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