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Saturday, September 21, 2024

What Millennials want for Christmas can’t be wrapped

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We all have a Christmas wish list: it can be something that’s written on a piece of paper or saved on mobile phone or stored in our brain. Due to the gift-giving nature of this season, this is the time when we wish for something that we want to have.

But apparently, for some millennials, the no. 1 thing they want to have this Christmas is not a thing. Perhaps the surveys are right when they said that individuals age 18 to 35 value experiences over material objects. 

This is not to say, however, that millennials don’t need and don’t want to receive tangible gifts, because they do. But on top of their wish list are gifts that you can’t put a ribbon on. 

WISH LIST. Forget about Christmas wrappers, because the number one thing on top of millennials’s wish lists are gifts that you can’t put a ribbon on.

Here are 10 member of the Generation Y who shared with Young Life the number one item on their Christmas wish list this year. 

“They say that as you grow older, your Christmas list gets shorter. For Christmas, I wish for people to become more kinder and do our part to make this world a better place for everyone.”

Aimee Lagman, 30

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“Now that I am working, I wish to be able to spend longer time with loved ones to do fun things. I barely see them on weekdays due to work and other responsibilities, so I hope to go on vacation with them as often as we can.”

Mark Ferrer, 23

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“I want the war in Aleppo to end. It pains me to think that we’re partying and having fun here while they are not certain whether they will get to see another day there. I also wish that people won’t just share news but instead take action to help.”

Arnel Vasquez, 33

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“I think as you grow older, you care more about non-material things that you can keep and not easily vanish. So I want to finally get that elusive CPA (Certified Public Accountant) title.”

Karen Manuel, 25

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“[On top of my Christmas wish list is to go on a] vacation, because I’ve been around too many toxic people these past weeks, it’ll be good to relax and unwind for a while.”

AC Brizuela, 25

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“I want my husband, who’s deployed in Mindanao, to come home so our family will be complete this Christmas.”

Anna Leah Estrada-Gonzales, 25

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“I want a hotel or beach resort staycation and more quality time, like movie marathon, with loved ones.”

Joanne Javier, 30

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“Because I’ve been busy in 2016 and was not able to travel, [on top of my Christmas wish list is] Indochina travel.”

Archer Urbano, 25

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“To learn a foreign language, not because I’m planning to move to another country, but because I want to broaden my boundaries, so to speak.”

Camille Tiangco, 28

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“I wish to have the influence and resources to contribute to the community (support and financial means), because anybody can now make a difference and make the community a better place. It’s not enough anymore to have the things you want for yourself because every time you go out of your house, you see a lot of things that need change. People will only listen to someone who has an influence, and to do so, one needs to have the proper support and financial help to make it happen.”

Joey Silvestre, 29

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We hope these wishes and yours will come true. From us here at Manila Standard Young Life, Merry Christmas!


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