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Friday, September 20, 2024

De Lima hits back at Aguirre after being linked to NBP stabbing case

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Senator Leila De Lima is firing back at Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre.

She says, Aguirre is a liar and there is nothing one can expect from someone whose hair is fake.

De Lima’s statement comes, after she and Senator Antonio Trillanes were linked to the stabbing incident in New Bilibid Prison (NBP) on September 28, 2016 that injured high profile inmate Jaybee Sebastian.

Aguirre had mentioned that the accused in the incident, NBP inmate Tomas Doniña, claimed that he was asked by someone from the Philippine Navy to attack Sebastian.

This was supposedly to prevent Sebastian from testifying against De Lima at a House inquiry.

De Lima says, Aguirre is trying to evade responsibility for the stabbing incident, which happened under his watch as Secretary of Justice.

“If I were responsible for the stabbing, it then seems that the NBP is run and managed by idiots who can’t protect high profile inmates staying inside the most guarded spot in Philippine prisons,” De Lima said in a statement.

Trillanes had denied involvement in the stabbing incident.



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