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Friday, September 20, 2024

NCRPO chief sends 387 cops to retraining

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THE National Capital Region Police Office sent 387 policemen to Camp Crame for retraining in a bid to correct their shortcomings and improve their performance.

The reformative training at the Philippine National Police general headquarters in Quezon City, according to NCRPO chief Oscar Albayalde, is in line with the advocacy and thrusts of the PNP leadership on internal cleansing.

Albayalde said his office has initialized intensified Internal Cleansing Programs since July 1 last year from values formation seminars, retraining to investigation of cases.

He added his men from the Regional Investigation Detection and Management Division, Legal Service, Discipline Law and Order Section, and counter intelligence units collectively worked to hasten the investigation and verification of reported erring cops and scalawags assigned in Metro Manila.

After thorough assessment, Albayalde said the 387 cops composed of 15 Police Commissioned Officers, 371 Police Non-Commissioned Officers and one Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) are those who deserve to be sent for training in Camp Crame.

From July 1, 2016 to Jan. 30, 2017 the NCRPO have penalized and dismissed 46, suspended 63, and demoted 4 police officers, while 79 others were sent to Mindanao for reassignment.

“The reassignment in Mindanao is to remove these police officers from their sphere of influence,” Albayalde explained.

The NCRPO Discipline Law and Order Section is also currently reviewing 897 administrative cases. These include 549 personnel charged with grave offenses, 327 less grave offenses, and 21 simple offenses.

The Regional Investigation and Detection Management Division, on the other hand, is currently evaluating 373 complaints involving police officers.

Albayalde affirms the PNP leadership’s assessment that police officers must internalize and strengthen its discipline; moral and spiritual foundation hence, the NCRPO already started implementing the additional one and a half (1-1/2) month strict disciplinary training for all new police recruits before their deployment to the five Metro Manila districts.

“This is a challenging time for us all but we remain steadfast. We will not falter from our anti-criminality campaign, we assure the public that we will continue campaigning for peace while we continue to labor in cleansing our ranks,” he said.

Abayalde earlier warned his men he would not hesitate to dismiss from the service any police personnel found to be abusive, remiss in their work and engaged in nefarious activities.


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