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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Patron Duterte

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It is often said that the Philippines is a predominantly Catholic country. This religion was used by Spain to successfully colonize us for more than 300 years. As such, our way of life, politics, and culture up until the present, are influenced by this religion.

Devout (and those pretending to be devout) Catholics are fond of patron saints. Each of our towns have patron saints and fiestas are nothing more than celebrations in honor of these saints. There are saints exclusively for things that we want or wish for. There is one for a broken heart, one for the sick, one to bless people in their travels, one to find something that goes missing, etc. Prayers are offered to them so wishes may be granted.

In politics, we also have patrons and presently, the biggest one is the president. There is no question that President Rodrigo Duterte’s brand of politics is one of patronage. One major manifestation of this is the fact that he surrounds himself only with people who have strongly supported him from day one, even when his actions and words give others cause for worry.

Duterte grants favors—political favors. His appointments to government positions are reserved for friends, avid supporters and allies, former class/schoolmates, and those from his home—Davao City. His Cabinet officials and many of those occupying lower posts are from this group of people. Even those from the entertainment industry who are now in government are those who publicly supported his candidacy in 2016.

This is not to say that all appointees are not qualified because there are those whose credentials may be well-suited for the positions they hold. Qualifications, however, is a major factor that any sensible leader must seriously consider in giving out responsibilities to people. The power to appoint cannot just be based on the President’s whims and wants. It is a crucial responsibility for at stake here is the welfare of an estimated 105-million Filipinos. Those in government make decisions on behalf of our people and this is a huge mandate. Those who make such decisions must possess the necessary qualifications, experience, and integrity.

Duterte is no Catholic (as he often claims), but he acts like a patron saint of the faithful (to him) wanting to have political power. He is neither a saint nor a God. He is the president of a democratic country. This country, this government, is not owned by him. Governance is about public service and for government to succeed, we need the best and the brightest among the qualified and willing to take the job on.

That the President has the prerogative to appoint those he trusts is fully understood. However, it is not akin to a license to grant political favors to those loyal to him/her. Government positions are not and should not serve as payment for political debt, or favors to those he wants to remain by his side despite lack of credentials, experience, and moral ascendancy.

A number of the appointments to key posts has surprised not a few. It is no secret that groups affiliated with the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)-National Democratic Front (NDF)-New People’s Army (NPA) family, those considered to be in the “extreme left” of the political spectrum, supported Duterte’s candidacy quietly or otherwise. The support was rewarded by key positions in the Cabinet and this is the first time ever that a president has done this.

While such appointments were unexpected by political observers, I consider this a smart move on Digong’s part. He has neutralized and silenced possible critics of his administration. Just observe how “quiet” the CPP-NDF-NPA and their legal groups are in relation with human rights issues, particularly the killings perpetrated in relation with Duterte’s “war on drugs.”

Further, by appointing only those extremely loyal to him, Digong has complete control of the Executive Department’s reins. His minions are just too eager to please him. They do whatever it is that he wants no matter if these may be questionable, unethical, or illegal. In return, they can depend on presidential protection as what Digong has repeatedly shown in cases of police abuse and illegal activities under his “war on drugs.”

Duterte’s most recent appointments drew a lot of criticisms especially on social media. His chosen ones to head the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, former Armed Forces of the Philippines chief, Roy Cimatu, and Department of the Interior and Local Government, AFP Chief General Eduardo Año, are questioned by some quarters worried that the increasing number of military officers in the administration may be a prelude for a dictatorship or authoritarian rule.

But there is a lot more ruckus caused by the appointments of Senator Alan Peter Cayetano as Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and Mocha Uson as Assistant Secretary of the Presidential Communications Operations Office.

The reactions against Cayetano are brought about by the public perception that he is no more than a Duterte blind follower. This senator is known as Digong’s number one defender. For him, the President can do no wrong. People are up in arms against this appointment especially because of China’s apparent aggressive moves to claim disputed territories in the West Philippine Seas coupled with Digong’s disturbing nonchalant attitude about this.

This issue is of paramount importance to many Filipinos including some Duterte followers who are against China’s moves. They, however, do not see Cayetano as the right person to fight for our national sovereignty and territorial integrity. He will simply tow Digong’s line no matter where this brings the country.

The noise is also deafening concerning Uson. Other than being a controversial social media user because of her promotion of fake news, she has no credentials to hold the office of Assistant Secretary. She does not have the credibility, the experience, and the qualifications. According to the president, her appointment is because of his “utang na loob” perceived to be in relation with Uson’s “eternal” loyalty to Digong. People are very concerned that Uson will use her position to propagate more lies and fake news glorifying her patron and destroying his critics.

Last I checked, the country is still a democracy. Free speech remains protected by the Constitution. Government still has to function to protect the people first and foremost.

We do not need Patron Duterte. We need President Duterte to discharge his mandate to move the country forward and to protect people’s rights and welfare.

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