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Friday, September 20, 2024

WESM guidelines for Mindanao out

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Philippine Electricity Market Corp. has released the trial operation guidelines and test plan for Mindanao participants following the issuance of a circular from the Energy Department declaring the launch of wholesale electricity spot market in Mindanao.

“We are looking forward to our presence in Mindanao as we fully realize the vision of EPIRA (Electric Power Industry Reform Act) in the creation of a one WESM where benefits of efficiencies in electricity trading shall redound to the benefit of Mindanao end-users through a transparent and reasonably-priced electricity,” PEMC president Melinda Ocampo said in a statement.

The trial operations program which will onJune 26, 2017 contains a set of preparatory activities that aim to familiarize all Mindanao participants in the implementation of the WESM through the market systems and procedures to be deployed.

The participants areccomprised of generation companies, distribution utilities (electric cooperatives and private distribution utilities), bulk users directly connected to the transmission grid, and National Grid Corporation of the Philippines.


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