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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Bruce Willis and Hayden Christiensen’s ‘First Kill’

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First Kill” puts the audience at the edge of their seats, scene after scene. 

The movie stars Hayden Christensen with iconic action star Bruce Willis.

When Will Beamon (Christensen), a successful Wall Street broker finds out that his 11-year-old son Danny (Ty Shelton) is being bullied in school, he takes him on a hunting trip in a small rural town to grow their father-son relationship.

While hunting they stumble upon the assassination of young criminal, Levi Barett (Gethin Anthony) who was involved in a bank heist. Trying to save Barett, Will, takes him to their cabin, but after getting treatment, takes Danny hostage and uses him as leverage to retrieve the stolen money. 

Senior actor Bruce Willis (left) and Hayden Christensen in a scene from the action thriller, "First Kill."

There he meets the town police chief, Howell (Willis) where they help each other by solving the kidnapping, finding out the truth about the botched murder attempt and retrieve the money from the bank heist. 

The film revolves around a father-son relationship that tests the limits of the two but also the relationship of the son and the criminal. Forcing all men to adapt to extreme circumstances in order to survive. 

The Hollywood Reporter praises the performance of Gethin Anthony in the film saying, “A British actor who displays both a credible Southern accent and an entertaining relish for his intriguing character.”

Directed by Stephen C. Miller and screenplay by Nick Gordon. It co-stars Megan Leonard, Tyler Jon Olson, and Jesse Pruett

From Octo Arts Films International First Kill is showing in cinemas.  

Check the film’s trailer here:   


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