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Saturday, September 21, 2024

AFP: Abdullah Maute dead

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The Armed Forces of the Philippines – Western Mindanao Command (AFP-WESMINCOM) Chief Lieutenant General Carlito Galvez reports, Abdullah Maute is dead.

He told newsmen covering the siege in Marawi City that he has enough basis to arrive at this conclusion.

"Marami na pong indications," he said on Monday.

One of the basis is an alleged call of the Maute group to pray for a certain "Abu Hassan," which supposedly is another name of Abdullah.

Galvez also acknowledged that in order to put this development beyond question, the AFP needs to find Abdullah's body and subject it to DNA test.

Abdullah was reportedly killed in what the military considers a main battle area in Marawi City.

Galvez also said there are indications Abdullah was promptly buried in the city.

Abdullah was among the two leaders of the Maute terrorist group.

His brother Omar was also said to be previously killed while fighting with government forces.




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