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Friday, September 20, 2024

‘Corrupt, abusive’ police warned

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Metro Manila police chief Oscar Albayalde on Wednesday directed all commanders to discipline and relieve their subordinates if found to be corrupt, abusive, and remiss in their work.

Albayalde also ordered the relief of Police Officer 2 Junjay Peñaloga Namuag, who was caught sleeping on duty at a hotel during the 31st Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit last month.

Namuag’s immediate superior, Senior Insp. Jose Pelingon, was also ordered relieved.

Albayalde tapped the five district directors from the Northern, Southern, Eastern, Manila and Central Police districts to place all erring cops under training at the FORM (Focused Reformation/ Reorientation and Moral Enhancement for Police Officer) program.

The program is in line with “internal cleansing efforts” of the Philippine National Police, he said.

Albayalde acted following a letter sent by a concerned citizen who personally witnessed and took photos of the sleeping cop.

In the letter, the informant stated he was roaming at a mall near the hotel when he found out the police officer was sleeping on duty, prompting him to take photos as evidence.

Albayalde reiterated his orders that he will never tolerate any misdeeds of police officers. He also stated that chiefs of police will also suffer the consequence if they do not take full responsibility over their personnel.

Two months ago, Albayalde also relieved the entire Caloocan police force and imposed disciplinary sanction due to violations of operational procedures relative to the government’s anti-drug campaign.

He said he is confident the Caloocan cops have learned their lessons and renewed their commitment to the PNP and to the public. He also assured that the NCRPO continued its cleansing program.

“This is maybe the first of many, but we will not stop and we will not get tired in helping our organization to have better and disciplined policemen. We will impose sanctions when necessary and will equally reward good performing cops,” Albayalde said.


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