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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Organic farming’s health and environmental benefits

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Organic farming is one of the key buzz words today among the health-conscious. But perhaps what most people don’t know is that the benefits of organic farming are more far-reaching than we think.  

“Organic farming is not only profitable but is appealing as a way to a healthier diet,” said Peter Hope, managing director for Santé New Zealand Limited and one of the leading authorities in organic farming. He added, “Organic farming has benefits for both health and environmental reasons.”

Organic fruits, vegetables, and grains are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which usually has high doses of metals that may contain carcinogens. 

Sante New Zealand is one of the leading large scale organic farms and is the largest in New Zealand. 

For example, the commonly used herbicide Roundup has been classified as a “probable human carcinogen,” while the insecticide chlorpyrifos has been associated with developmental delays in infants. Studies have also suggested that pesticide residues—at levels commonly found in the urine of kids in the US—may contribute to ADHD prevalence; they’ve also been linked to reduce sperm quality in men.

A 2014 meta-analysis in the British Journal of Nutrition found that organically grown crops were not only less likely to contain detectable levels of pesticides, but, because of differences in fertilization techniques, they were also 48 percent less likely to test positive for cadmium, a toxic heavy metal that accumulates in the liver and kidneys.

A nine-year study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Services showed organic farming builds up organic soil matter better than conventional no-till farming.

Moreover, not only does organic farming build healthy soil, it helps combat serious soil erosion. Organic farming also helps conserve water, as organic farmers spend time amending soil correctly and using mulch—these practices help conserve water.

Barley grass powder claims to be very potent in fighting free radicals that can cause damage to health

As a holistic system, organic production is designed to improve the productivity and fitness of diverse communities within the agro-system that include the soil organisms, plants, livestock, and people. Ultimately, the goal of organic farming is to develop enterprises that are sustainable. 

Organic practices in New Zealand began on a large scale back in the 1980s and has since grown into an important food segment among the market. In 2013, 17.15 million or 40 percent of farmlands have been designated as organic farms. This grew to 42 percent in 2014. Today, organic farming and the demand for organically-grown or produced foods is growing globally in many countries in Oceania, Europe, Asia and North America.

“Santé New Zealand is one of the leading large scale organic farms and is the largest in New Zealand,” said Hope. “We produce the best organic barley that goes into all of our product lines.”

Santé International distributes organic wellness products. The company trades products that do not have synthetic, harmful ingredients while serving as a mounting venue for entrepreneurs. Among its flagship products is SantÄ— Barley, a supplement made of 100 percent young barley grass that is grown in the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand and is certified organic by BioGro. 

Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare) has one of the most balanced nutrient profiles. It has a combination of micronutrients which includes vitamins, amino acids, minerals, alkaline minerals, proteins, phytonutrients, antioxidants, chlorophyll, and enzymes. Barley grass powder claims to be very potent in fighting free radicals that can cause damage to health.

“We only use the fresh shoots as the key ingredients when we produce our products. Once we have harvested these, we re-plant the entire crop ensuring that our products use only young barley,” shared Hope.

To know more about Santé and its products, visit its official Facebook page at or its website at


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