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Friday, September 20, 2024

The duplicity of the communists

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About this time last year, my good friend Dante Ang suggested I should write my memoirs, having been a journalist for almost 70 years. I have covered 10 presidents and seen history in the making.

I agonized over the matter for some time. Writing a book costs money—no less than P2 million in my estimate—and even more if you hire a good writer-editor.

Eventually I accepted Dante’s challenge, upon the good counsel of my family.

I had wanted to finish my book before 2017 ended, but I realized I needed to be painstakingly honest. Thus, I had to rewrite so many parts.

Now the book is done. It’s now being laid out. Thanks are due my wife who helped me so much in remembering the many events. I expect the launch to be in June or July.

The title I chose is “The Road Never Ends.”

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President Duterte opened a 60-day window so the government and the Communist Party of the Philippines can resume peace negotiations.

The President guaranteed the safety of Joma Sison should he come home from exile in The Netherlands. However, there are conditions—the New People’s Army should surrender their firearms and stop extortion activities. The venue of the talks should be here because the problem is internal to the country.

Now we hear Sison is willing to come home, so long as the peace spoilers don’t get their way.

This is what I call duplicity. What they really want is for the Philippine government to submit to their demands and release, for example, political prisoners.

And stop the collection of revolutionary taxes? Surrender firearms? My gulay, that’s impossible!

It’s impossible to talk peace if the other party is dishonest.

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Acting Chief Justice Antonio Carpio should not preempt the actions taken by Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano on China’s landing of military planes on Panganiban Reef. This is according to Palace Spokesman Harry Roque.

Carpio had said in an interview that the Philippines should protest the landing. Or else, silence could be taken to mean implied consent.

Panganiban Reef is internationally known as Mischief Reed. It is the largest of seven Philippine-claimed reefs in the Spratly archipelago that China has seized and transformed into artificial islands to project its growing military might.

Carpio was simply pointing to the need for diplomatic protest. Silence may be interpreted as acquiescence.

Caprio was simply recalling the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration that said Panganiban Reef is within the Philippines’ 370-kilometer Exclusive Economic Zone and forms part of the country’s continental shelf.

A competent foreign affairs secretary would immediately react to China’s action. Why is Cayetano taking too long to protest? Or is the President telling him not to?

It has now come to the point that despite China’s bullying, the aid and investment it provides have become more important. Say it isn’t so, Mr. President!

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Tourists in Baguio City are reportedly alarmed by a proposal of local executives to build not one, but two structures in Burnham Park.

Sure, the city needs more parking space. But at what cost?

Burnham Park itself has become seedy because of official incompetence and neglect. The man-made lake is muddy and yellow. Other recreational places have become so polluted.

The government must do something to bring the city to its former glory.

* * *

The return of Mar Roxas to the Senate would be a big boost for the opposition. The former presidential candidate of the Liberal Party would be a sure winner.

What we need in the Senate are independent minds, not minions.


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