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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Understanding a dog’s howling

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There have been owners who surrendered their dogs to the  pound  due to howling.

This is sad because  the owners  did not know, it appears, that pounds do not  rehabilitate  dogs or  give them a better life.  They are either  euthanized (put to sleep) or die of illnesses of even hunger in pounds.

There are two kinds of pounds in the  Philippines:

1.  A kill pound where dogs are  euthanized by means  allowed in the implementing  rules and regulations  (IRR) of the Animal Welfare  Act or put to  sleep by lethal injection. The dogs are euthanized  3 to 5 days after their surrender or capture (depending on the  local laws)  if they are not claimed by their owners.

2.   A no-kill pound where most times,  food  is scarce.  Officials and/or staff  of the pound will also  tell you they have no  funds (budget from the local government)  for  medical treatment when the dog gets sick or  to hire staff to rehabilitate the dogs. Thus,  dogs  with behavioral problems like  howling or aggression due to fear (most dogs become aggressive  because they are afraid, they  are just trying to defend themselves) will never likely be adopted if  there are no personnel who will  observe them, determine the reason for the  behavior, and rehabilitate or retrain them.

So if you think you are bringing your dog to a better place  by  surrendering the dog to a pound, you are wrong.

For two Sundays, let us study why dogs howl and what we can do to  stop the howling.

Pups Dathir (brown) and Feronia (white) are now being trained not to howl or bark when they hear a car parking in front of a foster's house.  They are also  given time to play and run to expend extra energy.

We always urge owners to  never give up on their dogs and cats.  If you love your dog or cat, you will  never surrender your dog or cat, and will do everything to make sure your pet  will never get hurt or live  a miserable life.

If you love  anyone, you will never  give up, right?

If you can not commit to a lifetime of loving  a pet, please,  NEVER GET A DOG OR  A CAT.


In Why Do Dogs Howl?,  Melvin Peña listed  five  reasons in Dogster:

1. Dogs howl  to call back  other members  of the pack. Your dog may be calling you back home if you have been away.

“Dogs who remain behind howl to provide the location of their base. Dog howling acts as a vocal homing beacon or a kind of auditory lighthouse which guides other pack members back. Pet dogs howling can be a similar expression, particularly if you’ve been out of the house all day. Dogs howl to beckon their loved ones back home,”  Pena says.

2. Dogs howl to mark their territory and as a defense mechanism.  

“Dog howling signals to other dogs that the area they are entering has been claimed and occupied. It is a warning to outsiders that encroachment risks the threat of violence. Howling dogs announce their presence and alert their community to changing circumstances. In this context, dog howling functions as a defense mechanism, warding off potential predators and ensuring the safety of the dogs in the pack. In a domestic setting, like your home, dogs may howl for the same reason. Some dogs bark, others howl when a stranger comes to the door or a new car pulls up in the driveway,” Pena says.

3. Dogs howl to get attention or  due to anxiety.

“A simple answer to ‘Why do dogs howl?’ A howling dog may simply want attention. Some dog owners know that dogs can be as emotionally manipulative as any human. The sound of a dog howling attracts the attention of his owner. Maybe you dash across the house to see what’s wrong, only to find yourself greeted by a dog who wants to be played with. Go through this routine enough times and the dog will learn that howling is an effective way to bring you running, “Pena says.

Yssa, rescued by Save Animals of Love and Light (Save ALL) from the pound,  used to howl when she sees a cat at night at the foster home. Eventually, she got used to the presence of cats, roamers who come back to eat. 

Pena adds: “Of course, there are two sides to this coin. If your dog knows that you leave for extended periods of time, he may howl as an expression of separation anxiety. Dogs that don’t have toys or sufficient things to entertain them in your absence get sad, lonely and depressed. Dog howling can be in protest of being left alone. Imagine if someone put you in a crate all day or left you in some other space for an extended period of time. You’d howl, too!”

4.  Dogs howl due to environmental triggers like police sirens and as part of a bonding exercise.

“Dog howling can be a response to environmental triggers. Common provocations include ambulance, police, or fire-engine sirens. The sound of these noises were the only times that my dog ever howled. The distant sound of approaching sirens always prompted her to sit up and join in the wailing. The reason remains uncertain, since she never howled at the sound of other dogs howling. Perhaps the pitch of sirens awoke some otherwise-dormant genetic memory,” Pena shares.

Pena adds, “Much of our research confirms that dog howling occurs when certain sounds are perceived. The prompts and triggers can be anything: music on a stereo at a party, popular television theme songs, or the sound of musical instruments. People who enjoy dogs howling even seem to encourage their dogs by howling themselves! It would seem that one reason dogs howl is the experience of community or of bonding. Why do dogs howl at sirens? Why do dogs howl when you howl? Perhaps it’s to join in and be a part of the action.”

5. Dogs howl to warn you about an injury or to share a discovery.  

“Dog howling can be an expression of injury. People weep when they get hurt; dogs howl in similar situations. Dogs howl to vocalize pain, “ Pena says.

“Some dogs are also trained to howl when they make discoveries. Hunting dog breeds howl to signal the pursuit or apprehension of prey. If a dog has treed, cornered or caught something, he may howl to alert his owners to the location of the prize,“  Pena shares.


The breeds  known for howling are:  Alaskan Malamutes, American Eskimo Dogs, Beagles, Coonhounds (Black and Tan, Bluetick, Redtick, English, Redbone and Treeing Walker), Dachshunds, Foxhounds (American and English), Hounds (Bloodhound, Basset), Huskies (Alaskan and Siberian), Native American Indian Dogs and Tamaskan Dogs.

Pena  stressed that “One thing to consider is that dog howling, like any other form of vocal expression, has no fixed meaning. It is a shifting signifier whose interpretation is situation-dependent. I enjoy going to karaoke; is it so difficult to imagine that a dog might not howl out of necessity, but out of joy?”

Next Week:  How to prevent howling and what to do when a dog howls


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