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Friday, September 20, 2024

A strong stand

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Since the Congress elected its new Speaker, the constituency and the leadership of the true Minority has been questioned by other groups posturing themselves as the “Minority.” While we note the position of respected colleagues, we remain as the recognized Minority since the 17th Congress in accordance with the adopted Rules of the House.

In statutory construction, the general rule is to interpret law to make sense of the whole. Therefore, provisions of the rules are interpreted, not individually, but in relation with the other provisions. Ambiguities are construed in favor of the general context of the rules. With this, we stand by our position that the Rules must be interpreted in its totality.

Rule III Section 13 of the Rules of the House states the rules regarding the vacancy of House positions. According to this provision, a vacancy is created in cases of death, resignation, or permanent incapacitation of any officers or when the House declares any office vacant. This contemplates the vacancy of ANY particular office, including a vacancy in the of Office of the Speaker solely.

It is clear that the position declared vacant and voted upon on July 23, 2018 by majority of the members of the House was only the position of the Speaker.

The other parties’ insistence on Rule II Section 8 of the Rules is misplaced. That provision contemplates the initial process of electing officers at the start of the First Session of Congress. Meanwhile, Rule III Section 13 allows for the vacancy of a particular office without affecting the rest of the already duly constituted offices in the middle of an opened Congress.

Also, Section 8 contemplates at least two contending parties for the position of the Speaker. The Rules are silent as to no-contest elections. Hence, it is necessary to construe this provision in relation to the whole. Given the existence of Section 13, status quo will prevail in such scenario as what transpired on July 23, 2018.

Continuing, Section 13 requires a majority vote of the members present, there being a quorum, to declare any position vacant. In case of the Office of the Speaker, it may only be declared vacant through nominal voting by a majority of all the members of the House. The last part of Section 13 specifically provides that when all offices are declared vacant, the incumbent Secretary General shall preside over the proceedings of the House only for the purpose and until the election of a new Speaker.

We reiterate that our participation on the proceedings on July 23, 2018 was only up to the extent of vacating the office of the Speaker. It is our duty to participate, as stated by the Rules of the House requiring ALL members to vote. The position shall be declared vacant when it obtains favorable votes of the majority number of the members. With that, all other offices remain status quo. It is undeniable that no declaration of vacancy of other offices occurred. Neither did the Secretary General preside over the proceedings on July 23, 2018.

Hence, we are still the duly constituted Minority bloc in the 17th Congress, and I continue to be the legitimate Minority Leader.

With this, the Minority bloc welcomes the leadership of the new Speaker, Hon. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. It is with high hopes that this new leadership will usher in significant improvements in the performance of the House. Speaker Arroyo is known to be a hardworking and workaholic public official. I anticipate that Congress will adopt the same diligence and perseverance in accomplishing legislative tasks to meet deadlines, pass bills, and act on resolutions in a timely manner for the benefit of the public.

The Minority group promises that it will remain critical as necessary to maintain checks and balance in the 17th Congress.


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