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Mendez, Radka rule Ironman 70.3 AsPac in Cebu

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Mactan, Cebu—Mauricio Mendez and Radka Kahlefeldt-Vodickova won the biggest race of their careers when they ruled the 2018 Regent Aguila IRONMAN 70.3 Asia-Pacific Championship Sunday at the Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort and Spa in Lapu Lapu City.

Mauricio Mendez (left) and Radka Kahlefeldt hoist the finish line banners after topping their respective divisions in Ironman 70.3 PH Asia-Pacific.

Mendez (who finished with a time of 3:46:45) followed up his victory in this year’s IRONMAN 70.3 Davao with a come-from-behind victory over Tyler Butterfield (3:47:39) who wound up second.

Vodickova (4:12:13), likewise, followed up her victory in this year’s IRONMAN 70.3 Davao with a similar come-from-behind effort. Mendez and Vodickova both won an Asia Pacific Championship for the first time.

Mendez trailed Kevin Collington after the swim. He lost ground in the bike and took back the lead in the run. Other male winners were Braden Currie (3:48:12), Tim Reed (3:52:51) and Craig Alexander (3:54:09).

Mendez said he trained hard for the competition but didn’t really expect to win because of the tough field.

“I didn’t know what to expect. They (fellow competitors) are all super strong athletes. I’m grateful and really happy to take the win. I just want to keep myself growing in the sport,” said Mendez who won his first Asia Pacific Championship.

The weather was perfect for a triathlon run. It was cloudy which meant no harsh sunlight. Yet it did not rain keeping the ground dry and steady underneath the feet.

Mendez said he caught his rhythm late in the run when he managed to pull away from the rest of the participants.

“In the first 10 kilometers, I was trying to get a rhythm. I felt strong but not that strong. I hit my stride in the second loop. I thought I needed to take advantage. I used the opportunity to take the lead. I am super happy for the result,” said Mendez.

Vodickova was fourth after the swim. She trailed Lauren Brandon, Manami Iijima and Lauren Goss. Incidentally Brandon submitted the best time after the swim beating even the male professionals.

Like Mendez, Vodickova also took the lead in the run. She said she did not expect to win. She said she trained hard and then hoped for the best.

“I didn’t expect to win. This field is really strong. I have all the respect for the other girls. I was hoping for a podium finish. But to win here… I’m over the moon. I’m just so excited,” said Vodickova.

Caroline Steffen (4:21:46) placed second followed by Melissa Hauschildt (4:22:50) Beth McKenzie (4:31:03) and Brandon (4:32:20).

 Vodickova likewise said the weather was perfect for running.

“The weather was great. It was very good for all of us. There was no sun but it was still very hot. Thank goodness for the refreshment stations every kilometer. It was possible to survive it and run really fast.

Mendez caught Butterfield in the run. He then extended his lead with five kilometers to go.

Brandon, who had a spectacular swim, maintained his lead at the start of the bike. Trailing her after the bike were Vodickova, Melissa Hauschildt and Lauren Goss.    


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