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Friday, September 20, 2024

How to take care of a rescued or abandoned kitten: Part Two

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Part 2

GUIDELINES on feeding a kitten.

*1-3 days old: 1.5-2.5 ml of milk every 2 hours

*4-7 days old: 5 ml of milk,  10- 12  times a day

*6-10 days: 5 – 7.5 ml  of milk,  10 times a day

*11-14 days: 10 – 12.5 ml of milk every 3 hours

*15-21 days: 10 ml, 8 times daily

*21 days and beyond: 7.5 – 25 ml, 3 – 4 times daily, in addition to introducing wet (solid) food.

Note: You NEED NOT follow the exact amount above per feeding. If you feel the kitten is full and prefers to sleep after consuming half of the recommended amount, then let the kitten sleep.

4. To nurse a kitten, you can use a bottle or a syringe

>If you will use a nursing bottle which can be bought in pet stores and poultry shops, cut the nipple in “x’ form.

>Test the drip before using it. Make sure the flow is not too fast that it might down the kitten with milk.  

>Sterilize the bottle before and after feeding.

>Prepare only enough formula per single feeding. Do not store and use after.

>If you are going to use a syringe, its best to get the 1cc/ml kind. Remember to remove the needle. 

>When using a syringe, press the plunger slowly and gradually so as to give enough and not too much.

5. Stimulate the genitals to pee and poop.

This is very important: after every feeding or every 2 hours, stimulate, the genitals (to urinate) and anus (to poop).  Kittens do not know how to eliminate waste on their own during the first 2-3 weeks. If you will observe, the mama cat licks the genital area and the anus after feeding.

How to stimulate:

1. Wet the cotton balls/ tissue or cloth with water. 

2. Gently move damp cloth up and down the genital area until the kitten urinates.

3. Do the same thing with the anus. Gently rub the anus with a damp cloth or tissue until poop comes out.

6. It is also important to make the kitten burp. 

After the feeding, hold the kitten over your shoulder and carefully rub his back until he burps. 

About the author: Mitch Canlas-Cordova is the founder of Furbabies TLC, a Facebook-based group which aims to help owners take better care of their pets.


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