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Research reveals people don’t take care of their eyes

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A lighting company reveals that eye care is not a high priority for adults globally. 

Signify (formerly Philips Lighting) has developed EyeComfort LED lights that are comfortable for the eyes after discovering through research that only two in five people currently opt for lighting that is softer and kinder on their eyes.  

According to a research conducted by ResearchNow in July 2017, over half or 57 percent of individuals globally do not get their eyes checked regularly, while only two in five people or 42 percent currently opt for lighting that’s kinder on their eyes. 

This comes at a time of record levels of myopia, with the World Health Organization predicting that one in two people will be short sighted by 2050, and ever-increasing strain on eyes with people spending more time indoors in front of computer screens and smart devices. 

Research reveals people don’t take care of their eyes
Philips Electronics & Lighting Inc., Philippines country marketing manager Pam Mallari-Valenzuela and EyeComfort advocates Kelly Misa-Fernandez and Cyndi Beltran talk about the importance of lighting in their respective professions.

In a gathering entitled “Eye’d Make the Switch: light your eyes will thank you for,” Signify (formerly Philips Lighting), explained how quality LED is related to eye comfort. The research revealed that while the average person spends more than six hours a day looking at a screen, 42 percent are currently using lighting that is softer on the eyes. And, only a third, or 32 percent, of people globally would consider how comfortable a light was on their eyes, when making their purchasing decision. 

The importance of light 

When it comes to lighting and eye comfort, people aren’t acting on their convictions. While 74 percent of those surveyed agree that quality lighting positively impacts eye comfort, only 28 percent would choose a light bulb that is more comfortable for their eyes. 

“Quality lighting is not only related to longevity, but is also incredibly important when it comes to ensuring our eyes feel comfortable,” explains Jagan Srinivasan, country leader of Philips Electronics & Lighting Inc., Philippines. “Crucially, flicker*. This is fundamental to what our team of scientists do, innovating to develop quality and industry-leading LEDs that consumers love, which are easier on the eyes.” 

EyeComfort advocates 

This year, Signify in the Philippines brought together multimedia influencer Kelly Misa-Fernandez, vitreo-retina surgeon Glenn Carandang, MD, MPH, and interior designer Cyndi Beltran, to discuss the use of the right lighting and proper eye care, allowing their respective families and communities to function better and live better. 

Misa-Fernandez said, “Eyesight is one of the major concerns of moms like me when it comes to the wellbeing of my children. Our eyes’ health is critical to all of our daily tasks, whether that’s getting dressed, eating, moving around, or studying. 

Pressures of modern life and advances in technology see children spending, on average, 12 hours a day either under poor quality lighting, in front of a screen, concentrating on school or doing homework, making quality lighting a priority for many parents. 

“Eye care then, should rightly occupy a place on a parent’s list of concerns, as it’s incredibly important to both the child’s development and academic performance,” emphasized Misa-Fernandez. 

Dr. Carandang, for his part, averred, “For all age groups, quality lighting is vital when reading or working to prevent eye strain. To decrease eye strain, one should take regular breaks using the ‘20-20-20’ rule: every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away, for at least 20 seconds, as recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.” 

When working in front of a screen which is much brighter than the surrounding light, our eyes have to work harder to see. One should adjust the room lighting and try increasing the contrast on screen to reduce eye strain, said Dr. Carandang. 

“We can protect our eyesight by eating healthy, not smoking, using ocular protection to prevent injury, hand washing, working in good light, and having regular eye check-ups with your local eye doctor,” recommended Dr. Carandang. 

On the other hand, for renowned interior designer Beltran, “Lighting design sets the tone of a particular space—be it residential, commercial, or hospitality interiors.” 

“It is a powerful tool that adds dimension and visual texture to a space. It is an aspect that is often underestimated in planning, but its importance is as high as the materials used on the surfaces or furnishings in a room because without it, all these will appear dull and flat, taking away any drama intended for a particular space,” she said. 

According to Beltran, there are three essential types of lighting for the home: general lighting, which illuminates majority of the areas in a home; task lighting, which is used for specific works that may or may not be close-range; and finally, accent lighting, which alters the mood of the space. 

Comfortable lighting

Signify scientists have developed an industry-first Philips EyeComfort Standard, committing to delivering EyeComfort LEDs with no visible flicker. Besides flicker, the standard measures against key comfort criteria such as glare, stroboscopic effect, photobiological safety, dimming effects, tuning and color rendering—factors that can impact eye comfort. 

Philips EyeComfort LEDs are checked to ensure they pass its prescribed standards while providing energy efficiency and an average lifespan of over a decade. All Philips EyeComfort LED lamps and luminaires will be marked with the EyeComfort trademark starting this year.

Included in the Philips EyeComfort LED lamps and luminaires are Philips MyCare LED Bulb, Philips SceneSwitch, Philips Deco Classic, Philips Meson, and Philips Moire. 


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