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Friday, September 20, 2024

More female cops not feasible–PNP

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The Philippine National Police has declined a proposal to increase the number of female recruits to 20 percent of the total, saying the 10-percent limit is enough because women have limitations because they bear children.

READ: Solon wants more female cops in PNP

PNP Chief Oscar Albayalde made the comment following the call of Rep. Johnny Pimentel of Surigao del Sur to raise to 20 percent the annual recruitment and training quota for female officers.

Pimentel said this would help effect immediate administrative reforms and allow the PNP to have direct and immediate custody of children brought to police stations for various reasons.

He made the appeal following the arrest of PO1 Edgardo Valencia of the Manila Police District, who is accused of raping the 15-year-old daughter of a couple arrested in an anti-drug operation.

Valencia is accused of having sex with the victim in exchange for her parents’ release from detention. 

“Under the law, it should be 10 percent, but sometimes we even reach 12 percent. We don’t discriminate against the female members of the police force,” Albayalde said. 

“We stick with the 10 percent because there are restrictions for women. When they get married and get pregnant, their maternity leave takes so long.” 

Albayalde said a bill awaiting President Rodrigo Duterte’s signature would extend the maternity leave of policewomen.

“It will be extended to 100 days from 60 days. You can just imagine: You won’t be able to get them to work for that span of time,” Albayalde said.

But he said Valencia’s case was an isolated one and that the police should not be stereotyped as abusive.

“To say that such cases is rampant would be harsh. That’s unfair. This is an isolated case, and we will never tolerate these things,” Albayalde said. 

“Rest assured that we will show no mercy to this abusive behavior. It does not reflect the general behavior that we have in the PNP.”


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