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Friday, September 20, 2024

My Furry Bestie

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This corner features pets of animal lovers every week. We hope new owners and those thinking of getting a pet will be encouraged to be responsible “furparents” through these features. We also hope more people will be moved to be kind to animals when they read about the great relationship that can be created between humans and animals.

For contributions, please email to [email protected] and put My Furry Bestie as subject.

My Furry Bestie

SALEM had blood and scorched skin when he arrived at the home of Ann Galang four years ago.

“He must have been scavenging for food that night. It's a miracle how he survived. I guess it's prayers, love, care and patience that did it all,” says Ann.

Salem is a “beautiful black creature with rare green-golden eyes and pure black coat,” adds Ann.

She shares: “He still enjoys his freedom, goes around the village which often leaves me worried that he might be hit again or someone might pour boiling water over him again. But this is what Salem wants and what makes him happy.”

“One good thing about him though: He never fails to come back.. meows as soon as he enters our gate to let me know he's home. A yummy meal always awaits our Salem!” says Ann.

ZOEY was a pup when she was sold to Eleanor Agulto.

“Zoey was sold to me for lunch money by an acquaintance. The acquaintance needed cash so badly, “ Eleanor recalls.

“I chose Zoey from a litter of three (3 pups), and she's the lucky one because I heard that her brothers became strays and didn't survive, “ Eleanor shares.

Zoey is now a senior at nine (9) years old.

My Furry Bestie

She “can be aloof with others, but very loving with her human family,” says Eleanor.

Editor's note: These stories were compiled by admin Miks Lim of Save Animals of Love and Light (Save ALL), a SEC-registered animal welfare group that helps animals in need, and encourages and promotes responsible pet ownership, adoption of rescued dogs and cats from fosters, shelters and pounds, and spaying and neutering of pets to control animal population in the country, among others.


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