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Friday, September 20, 2024

Red-hot House

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"Can the public expect more next year?"



Let's set aside the current tiff between the House of Representatives and the Budget Department over the proposed 2019 budget as it has yet to be resolved, and focus on what our legislators have done in the past six months. The House, it would seem, posted a very strong performance since Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo took over on July 23 this year by passing the Duterte administration's priority legislative agenda in record time.

According to data from the Committee on Rules, in just 41 days of the Third Regular Session of the 17th Congress, the House led by processed a total of 1,426 measures, or an average of 35 measures processed per session day. 

Of the 1,426 measures processed, a total of 513 measures were approved. These included 95 enacted into law; 39 transmitted to the President; 30 bicameral reports ratified; four Senate versions adopted; 11 Senate amendments concurred with; 22 up for deliberation in bicameral conference; 228 approved on third reading; 37 approved on second reading; and 44 resolutions/motu proprio inquiry adopted.

At the adjournment of the House last December 13, Arroyo congratulated the lawmakers for their hard work as the House succeeded in processing all the priority measures of President Duterte—a pledge she made when she was elected to the Speakership.

“My concern is not my legacy as Speaker. My concern is to support President Duterte’s legacy in the year that I have as Speaker. And as of yesterday, the House can report with confidence that we have already passed the President’s entire legislative agenda as he announced in his 2018 State of the Nation Address,” Arroyo said.

The approved bills include Republic Act 11054, or the Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, a landmark piece of legislation that will allow Muslim Filipinos to exercise genuine autonomy within the framework of the Constitution.

Also enacted was RA 11148, or the Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act, which scales up the national and local health and nutrition programs through a strengthened integrated strategy for maternal, neonatal, child health and nutrition in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life. Others are RA 11106, the Filipino Sign Language Act; RA 11127, the National Payments Systems Act; RA 11131, the Philippine Criminology Act of 2018; RA 11055, the Philippine Identification System Act; RA 11057, the Personal Property Security Act; and RA 11058, Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards.

Moreover, 39 more measures were transmitted to the President, awaiting his approval to be enacted into laws.

Likewise, the House approved on third reading the draft federal charter or Resolution of Both Houses 15, proposing the revision of the 1987 Constitution, as well as House Joint Resolution 32 extending the availability of the 2018 appropriations for maintenance and other operating expenses and capital outlays to December 31, 2019.

Resolution of Both Houses 17 approved the request of the President for the further extension of the proclamation of martial law and the suspension of the privilege of writ of habeas corpus in Mindanao for one year. 

Not surprisingly, House leaders are all praises for the former President's leadership of the chamber. Rep. Estrellita Suansing, chair of the Committee on Ways and Means, commended Arroyo for setting a good example to House Members. Suansing said Arroyo exemplifies effective leadership as she is a workaholic and personally monitors every bill. 

Rep. Robert Ace Barbers, chair of the Committee on Dangerous Drugs, said Arroyo’s no-nonsense leadership style is what is really at this time. The lawmaker said Arroyo managed to effectively lead the House members despite their big number and different backgrounds.

Rep. Gus Tambunting, chair of the Committee on Games and Amusements, lauded Arroyo for remaining committed in fulfilling her mandate as the leader of the House. “Speaker Arroyo has stayed true to her word in focusing on the priority bills of President Duterte, as she, being a former President very well knows how important it is for Congress to support the President for anything to get done. In only half a year, the House has done so much under her good leadership, and this is something we can be proud of,” said Tambunting.

Rep. Jose Panganiban, Jr. , chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Food, said Arroyo exemplified hard work even during the hearings on the 2019 national budget. He said the House deliberated overnight on the budgets of the Department of Interior and Local Government and the Department of National Defense with Arroyo in attendance. The next day, she attended a committee hearing at 9 am. "That’s how hardworking and professional she is,” said Panganiban, who gushed that the House is likely to accomplish more when session resumes in January.

If Congress has been on fire in the last six months, can the public except it to glow more red-hot in the first six months of 2019?

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