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Peña backers switch to elder Binay’s side in May elections

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The team of Makati City Mayor Abigail Binay and former Vice President Jejomar Binay has gained the support of a group of residents who are known allies of former acting mayor Romulo Peña Jr. for the upcoming elections this May.

Led by former Barangay Bangkal councilwoman Angie Reyes, the group declared its support for the Binays and the entire team running under the United Nationalist Alliance party.

Reyes and her companions were known allies of Peña, who is running opposite the elder Binay for the congressional seat of Makati’s first district.

Speaking for the group, Reyes said they have unanimously agreed to support the entire UNA ticket because they recognized the positive changes throughout the city made by the incumbent administration.

At the same time, they felt strongly that the former vice president would ably represent them in Congress and promote their best interests.

“We have seen and actually experienced the many positive changes brought about by the current administration of Mayor Abby. We are excited to see the full digital transformation of Makati. We are confident it will materialize because of her innovative and progressive brand of leadership,” said Reyes.

“With VP Binay as our Congressman, we will have an authoritative voice in Congress. He was named among the world’s best mayors, and he redefined the traditional role of the Vice President with his passion and dedication to public service. His being a lawyer is also a big plus,” she added.

Reyes pointed out that the elder Binay pioneered many initiatives in his time as mayor of Makati that continue to serve as models to other local government units and to inspire excellence in other local leaders at present. 

These include the Makati Health Program (Yellow Card), the Blu Card for senior citizens, Project FREE (Free Relevant Excellent Education), and many other exemplary social programs.

The former barangay official also complimented Mayor Abigail for being a “hands-on leader.”

“Mayor Abby takes the time to meet her constituents face-to-face right in their own neighborhood, even on weekends, just so she could listen to their concerns and provide immediate answers or solutions. Residents have come to know her better because of her direct interactions with us,” she said.

In 2018, the incumbent mayor was able to hold dialogs with residents of 32 out of 33 barangays, including the six villages, at least twice within the year.

“We have learned to appreciate her efforts to restore discipline and order on our streets, as we experience the convenience of walking and driving without having to avoid obstructions,” Reyes said.

Digital initiatives launched in 2017 through public-private partnership ventures include the Makatizen Card and Free Wifi Project of Makati. As of December 2018, over 53,500 Makatizen Cards were distributed to qualified residents, and the free wifi project has covered 13 barangays.

Makati was also named Champion City in eGov Digital Finance Empowerment (G2P) at the First Digital Cities Awards and won the Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award 2018 at the 38th Esri User Conference held in California.

The mayor’s achievements mirror her father’s achievements. During VP Binay’s term as mayor for over two decades until 2010, Makati gained international prominence when the Yellow Card was named a “Best Practice” by the Dubai International Award 2002.

In 2004, the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) named Makati the “Most Dynamic City” and listed it as one of the Top 5 Most Competitive Cities (Metro Classification) in 2005.

With its pioneering social programs, including the Blu Card program that pampers senior citizens with cash gifts, free movies, and other benefits that far exceed the provisions of the national law, Makati was ranked second only to Japan in the Human Development Index (HDI) in a 2002 study conducted by the Policy Center of the AIM, outranking Malaysia, China and Indonesia.

The elder Binay was also ranked fourth in the Top Ten World Mayors in 2006. The biennial award organized by the City Mayors Foundation aims to raise the profile of mayors worldwide, honoring those who have served with excellence and dedication and spurred the overall growth and development of their cities.

As Vice President from 2010 to 2016, Binay came to be known as the “Working Vice President,” successfully breaking out of the proverbial “spare tire” label attached to the post.

With characteristic excellence and dedication, he served multiple posts that gave him the opportunity to help the poor and marginalized sectors.

Among these were Presidential Adviser on Overseas Filipino Workers Concerns and Chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordination Council.

Last year, the elder Binay was conferred the prestigious Bronze Wolf Award by the World Scout Committee for his exemplary leadership and service at all levels of Scouting.


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