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Friday, September 20, 2024

Sleeping on the job?

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It’s a shame that while the authorities succeed in their relentless, chilling and harsh anti-illegal drugs war, the anti-illegal gambling drive has gone amiss in some regions at least.

I sure wish that it isn’t true but my informants have it that the illegal numbers game jueteng has flourished again despite the crackdown ordered by President Duterte.

Such would not have been possible without the “protection” of some unscrupulous police authorities and local government officials.

One of the regions where jueteng operations have stepped up is in Region IV-A otherwise known as CALABARZON where the STL is reportedly “practically dead.”

The government and, ultimately the general public, stand to lose in this scenario as jueteng, being an illegal operation, does not generate tax revenues that supposedly help finance public facilities like public hospitals.

So, while jueteng has become widespread in Region IV-A, PCSO has lost billions of pesos supposedly coming from up to 30 percent of proceeds from STL operations in the area.    

But instead of paying taxes, the gambling lords rake in more money because it costs them less to pay “protection or grease money” to some regional police and LGU officials.

A well-connected gambling lord known as “Jojo Sendninyo,” dominates the jueteng operations in CALABARZON, allegedly coughing up millions of pesos to pay the bribe.

“Sendninyo’s” army of bet collectors (kubrador) combs the neighborhoods, streets, public markets and shopping malls all over the region.

My research staff tried to get in touch with CALABARZON Region Police Office Director Edward Caranza to double-check our information but the police general never returned our call.

This developed amid the imbroglio at the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) that has led to the firing of its General Manager Alexander Balutan over alleged corruption in connection with its administration of STL nationwide.

No, we wouldn’t want to see General Caranza booted out of service by Manong Digong. The CALABARZON police chief needs to be replaced by someone who is competent.

Gen. Caranza would be perfect as planning director in Camp Crame while waiting for his retirement this year.


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