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Saturday, September 21, 2024

How to prepare kids for the outdoors

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Most kids today grew up dependent on technology—with mobile phones, tablets, and laptops as their toys. Parents who desire to let their kids experience the joy of playing outdoors have a few things to do to keep their children safe from harm and discomfort. 

These moms share tips on ensuring their children are away from harm and enjoy all the fun during summer break.

Protect them from environmental risks

Take safety measures to avoid possible natural risks. “Of course, I worry that they could get diseases especially with the recent measles outbreak, but thankfully my kids are vaccinated, and that takes away a lot of stress and worry for us,” shares mommy of three and children’s book author Teresa Dumadag. 

How to prepare kids for the outdoors
Teach them to wash hands right away to avoid illnesses caused by germs.

If the kids will run around in the afternoon, be sure to put sunblock to protect them from harmful UV rays and bring mosquito repellent to keep dengue-carrying mosquitoes away. Mommy Laila, co-founder of lifestyle brand Elements of Tomorrow and mom of one, says that it is also important to dress according to the weather. “We let our child, Sid Nayon, play freely in nature whether it’s sunny or rainy. So, of course, we dress him accordingly so he is well-protected.”

Prepare for emergencies

For Mommy Teresa, prevention is better than cure. Whenever she and her husband take their three boys to the park, she always makes sure they are ready for whatever accidents and emergencies that may occur. “Just recently, my eldest son fell while running and wounded his knee. Thankfully, we had wet wipes to clean the wound and found a restroom he could wash it in,” she shares.

How to prepare kids for the outdoors
Parents are reminded to take safety measures to avoid possible risks when kids play outside. 

Meanwhile, Mommy Kaye, a part-time working mom with a three-year-old, says that she already has a bag of essentials prepared for whenever she goes out with her son Riley. “The contents of the backpack include a small towel, wipes, alcohol, mosquito repellent patches, a bottle of water, and an extra shirt.”

Teaching kids proper hygiene

While putting several safety measures for kids is important, nothing is more effective than teaching them to take care of themselves. Mommy Heart Calimlim, virtual assistant and freelance writer, says that she makes sure to explain to her kids the importance of proper hygiene. “It’s for their own sake. Kung hindi ko sila tuturuan na alagaan sarili nila, baka ikapahamak pa nila at lalo silang magkasakit (It’s for their own sake. If I don’t teach them to take care of themselves, it will cause more harm and they’re more likely to catch diseases).” 

Washing hands right after playing is also an effective way to avoid illnesses. According to Mommy Kaye, “There’s always a feeling of paranoia, if I may call it, because playing outside brings a lot of germs, especially now that he’s in a phase where he keeps on biting his nails.” This is why right after playing, one of the first things Mommy Kaye does is to make Riley wash his hands to avoid illnesses caused by these germs.

Practicing at home

To support her son’s active and adventurous personality, Mommy Laila believes that protecting him should be a daily and consistent thing. “We see to it that our kid is healthy in terms of their food. We only feed him plant-based and organic food so that when he plays outside, he’s not prone to sickness and he has strength.”

Meanwhile, Mommy Teresa opines the importance of taking care of the entire household. She relates, “There was a time when we had a maid who had lice. She was the one taking care of my son so he also got head lice and we had to buy head lice shampoo for the both of them.” In case of head lice infestation, Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo can be used twice a week for two weeks, and once a week for prevention of head lice recurrence. 

How to prepare kids for the outdoors
Let children experience the fun of playing outside this summer. 

At the end of the day, it is always the child’s happiness that parents care about. Mommy Heart shares, “Ever since we started letting our kids play outside, I always see them happy and they really look forward to play time.” 


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