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Friday, September 20, 2024

IPs warn of aid-seeking NGOs

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Wisconsin”•Indigenous people’s leaders on Sunday appealed to the Filipino community here to be vigilant in giving support to organizations asking for financial assistance, saying those might be channeled to groups affiliated with the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People’s Army and the National Democratic Front.

“They have campaigns of adoption of schools, adoption of students, adoption of alleged teachers, but the CPP-NPA-NDF imposes a policy on these organizations where 60 percent of the funds go to them,” Datu Jacob Lanes said in an interview.

Lanes, of the Mandaya tribe from Davao City, said the CPP-NPA-NDF has built its networks across the world while fostering a strategy that includes armed struggle and the use of progressive fronts.

“The Filipino community, especially in the United States and Europe, should be vigilant so that they will not fall to the deception of the CPP using their different organizations,” Lanes said.

Stopping the channeling of funds to the Reds’ front groups, Lanes said, would constrain the capacity of their armed wing to operate and frustrate their ability to launch attacks.

Datu Ramon Bayaan, on the other hand, said communist insurgents have been deceiving IP communities, bringing them to rallies that go as far as Manila.

“Our problem has a huge connection here in the US. The communist terrorists would rally in Manila, in Davao, what do they shout? Bring down the US, bring down imperialism,” he said.

Bayaan, however, said he wondered why amid their call to oppose the US and bring down capitalism and imperialism, they would still ask financial aid from organizations in the US.

“In other words, they deceive us. Because they don’t want the US government, but they ask support from organizations in the US,” added Bayaan, tribal leader of the Obu-Manuvu tribe. In other developments:

The Armed Forces of the Philippines on Monday dismissed and called Communist Party of the Philippines founding chairman Jose Maria Sison a “coward and insane” for claiming that the US can influence the military and police to arrest President Rodrigo Duterte.

“This coward has gone insane. He is already muttering the words of an old man whose memory has abandoned him. Come back to the Philippines and face reality,” AFP public affairs office chief Noel Detoyato said.

The Palace on Monday slammed Sison for his “wishful thinking” that the United States will stage a destabilization plot against President Duterte.

Over the weekend, the exiled communist leader said the US does not need to fire the “first shot” against China, adding Washington could easily orchestrate a coup to overthrow Duterte.

In a statement, Sison claimed that the US could easily instruct its allies within Manila’s security forces to take Duterte into custody for being a traitor, making Vice President Leni Robredo installed as the successor. With Nat Mariano


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