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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Gilas Pilipinas kong mahal

"The rest of us have got you."

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No names, but a prominent head of state cast doubt on the Philippine team’s chance for success when it plays Italy in a sporting tournament abroad.

Oh, okay, it was President Rodrigo Duterte, and he said the Philippine team’s lack of height will be a disadvantage against the taller Italians in their match at the 2019 FIBA World Cup on Aug. 31 in Foshan, China.

FIBA or the Fédération Internationale de Basketball (International Basketball Federation in English) is a prestigious international tournament. This 2019 edition will act as a qualifier for the 2020 Summer Olympics.

In a speech to Filipino-Chinese businessmen on Aug. 6 at Malacañan, Duterte said it would be better to bet on China. “Sa China na lang tayo magpusta.”

He elaborated, saying “Wala talaga tayo…We will lose dito sa Italian. Ang lalaki kaya ng mga gagong ‘yan!”

He was confident that Gilas Pilipinas would win over Angola in its third game. “Ang next natin, Angola. Ah, ito pwede natin ilibing nang buhay.”

Gilas’ second game is against Serbia, set for Sept. 2, and its match against Angola is on Sept. 4.

The President proudly added that he would be watching the game at Foshan accompanied by China’s Vice-President Wang Qishan, saying it would be “a break in protocol” on their pride.

“Why would I quarrel with them [China]?” Duterte asked the assembled businessmen. “Will the vice president of America escort me if I go there [to the game]?” He earlier told his audience that he does not want to get into a shooting war with China that will cause destruction not only in the Philippines but other countries as well.

The President is probably being pragmatic when he said to wager on China. Gilas isn’t playing them, or at least not yet. China’s opponents on the same dates above are Ivory Coast, Poland, and Venezuela, and China does stand a strong chance against them.

Duterte is also likely being practical when he says Gilas doesn’t stand a chance against Italy, but that it is likely to defeat Angola. When it comes to sports, many approach it using logic, particularly if one is betting on an outcome. One looks at whoever has the best chances and decides accordingly.

However, as head of state, the President should have been more guarded with his words.

Sports is a spectacle that Roland Barthes said serves the same primary social function that theater did in ancient times, and that is collecting a city, country, or the world within a shared experience.

Because the experience is collective, and teams are organized along national lines, sports is also political. If Duterte were a private individual, his words would be no different from that of a kibitzer on the street.

But he is president, and like with his cringey, rapey jokes, he still doesn’t understand, or perhaps doesn’t care, that the words he utters from the position he holds are significant with regard to collective sentiment and sensibility.

Hence many netizens are upset about his perceived ‘disloyalty’ to the Philippine team, and worse, his almost slavish support for the Chinese.

Basketball coach Jason Webb tweeted yesterday, “I plan to cheer for our national athletes even if their chances of winning may be slim. I also have no plans of cheering for a country stealing our land from us. Mabuhay ang atletang Pinoy!”

Because for many, sports is not just a matter of logic, but also of the heart. Win or lose, our support should be with our boys, for the simple reason they represent the Philippines and they bear our country’s flag going into an international arena.

Gilas might realistically not stand a chance against Italy, but I will root for them, manalo o matalo. Because I am Filipino and they are the Philippine team. Because faith and belief in them could give the Gilas players the courage to fight harder for the win, knowing that Filipinos are on their side, cheering them on.

The President should do as much, and more, because he is the country’s leader, and he should be the first to give support to Filipinos going up against the world’s best.

But never mind, Gilas. The rest of us have got you. We have your backs. Face Italy with pride and determination. Just do your best. We’re rooting for you every step of the way.  *** Dr. Ortuoste started her journalism career as a sportswriter. /FB and Twitter: @DrJennyO


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