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Monday, September 23, 2024

Why is Robredo lawyering for drug dealers?

"Apparently, she wants to assume the presidency as soon as possible."

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Leni Robredo apparently was not hearing herself when she called on President Duterte to stop the war versus illegal drugs and allow the International Criminal Court to investigate the killings of drug suspects.

She does not seem to realize she is committing treason, as well as purveying fake news—a most abominable crime especially for a sitting Vice President, a lawyer at that.

In her latest interview with Reuters, again she parroted the argument that the campaign against illegal drugs is a futile exercise that has massacred over 200,000 poor people.

The Philippine Drugs Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has amassed many billions of pesos worth of confiscated drugs in buy-bust operations and the arrest of thousands of drug traffickers.

Former Philippine National Police chief General Oscar Albayalde’s fall from grace owing to his involvement in so-called ninja cops’ illegal activities does not diminish the PNP's own accomplishments in the anti-illegal drugs drive. 

Over 500 PNP personnel have been booted out in the organization’s internal cleansing which it is now compelled to continue with all seriousness in the wake of Albayalde's debacle.

To recover from its tarnished credibility and shut up critics like Robredo, the incoming Chief PNP, the PNP Internal Affairs Service (IAS), the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) must straighten up things in the PNP once and for all.

No one must be spared, even in Davao City where there have been reports of abuses by some policemen ala ninja cops and allegedly planting shabu on innocent people to either extort or “shore up their accomplishments.” 

They are the few scalawags, a nil percentage that ruin things for the 190,00-strong PNP.

All in all, the government's war on anti-illegal drugs has been successful more than ever—that is why druglords are on the run. 

Robredo and her cohorts advocate freedom, democracy and human rights on behalf of the illegal drugs syndicates, and she wants the United Nations human rights commission to intrude into our internal affairs.

The Vice President whose election’s validity remains in question could not wait to jail President Duterte for the deaths of narco-politicians and drug peddlers. I heard these Yellows are even ecstatic about Manong Digong's reported "failing health."

Apparently, Robredo wants to assume the presidency as soon as possible because she and her Yellow pals know the Filipino people will no longer fall prey to their political nonsense.


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