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Saturday, September 21, 2024

‘Petsa de peligro?’ 5 ways to grow your money

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No one likes to be caught cashless, especially when sudden expenses come up. Here is when savings are truly important. Financial security offers peace of mind not only to an individual but to their loved ones. 

To achieve financial security, it pays to be responsible. Here are five ways to make sure petsa de peligro will be a thing in the past. 

‘Petsa de peligro?’ 5 ways to grow your money
Start building your retirement fund today to give you more time to grow your savings. 

Invest in yourself

While this isn’t necessarily saving money or making some, but actually spending it, investing in yourself can be beneficial in the long-term. Study a new skill or language, get a graduate or post-graduate degree, or take personal development programs. Use your resources to improve yourself and enhance your skills. You can reap the benefits in the future, such as higher income and long-term financial security.

Cut back on small expenses

You may not realize it but those small, extra expenses add up every day. A sugary drink with your meal, recliner seats at the cinema, and even bottled water purchases do add up. But these expenses are usually things you can do without. Tracking expenses is helpful to determine in which places to cut. Be frugal and live below your means.

Pay yourself first

Before paying bills or doing anything else with your money, take something for yourself first. Save a portion of your income before settling your other financial obligations. While financial obligations are important, prioritize yourself and the future you want for your loved ones.

Plan for retirement

Experts agree that the earlier one plans and saves for their retirement, the better the yield in the future. Everyone has to plan ahead for the time when whey don’t have regular income anymore. Setting a financial goal will not only keep you from spending beyond your means, but will prepare you for your future. Start building your retirement fund today to give you more time to grow your savings before you reach retirement age.

Get an insurance and investment plan

Here’s another one where you actually have to spend cash. Insurance plays a significant role in a person’s financial well-being, as it protects assets from financial losses. An insurance and investment plan can help secure your family’s financial future and let them sustain their lifestyle even when you are no longer around. Axa Philippines ( has an extensive portfolio of insurance and investment plans for every requirement, preference, and budget. 


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