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Friday, September 20, 2024

Be a blessing to others this season of giving

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There's a certain peace the Christmas season brings. 

Be a blessing to others this season of giving

With its longer nights, colder days, merry tunes and vibrant hues accentuating the tall Christmas trees peppering the city, the Yuletide season carries an emotion familiar to all of us—the genuine joy of celebration. 

For the Christmas season not only signifies festivity but the period of love, selflessness, reflection, and remembrance.

It is the time to look back and be grateful for the blessings one has received throughout the year. And as the world sings of joy, it marks the perfect opportunity to ponder and wonder how to create change for others. 

Forget the expensive presents, anything can be a gift if it comes from the heart. 

Whether by material or deed, the sincerity in giving and reaching outweigh the gift and package.

So greet a stranger, give cards, pack presents, cook meals, adopt a pet, donate in charities or do volunteer work—sprinkle light and kindness through what medium fits. 

After all, what lingers at the end of the Holidays is the warm smile cast upon those who have been helped.

Drink in the rush of the Yuletide season and always remember that good deeds should not end on the 25th of December.

Create a difference everyday and make every move a way to initiate positivity. Open your eyes and help. The world is a dark place and you will never know but you may be the ray of light someone is waiting for. 

For kindness is never a weakness, whatever the cynics may say.


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