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Friday, September 20, 2024


"Let us as a people come around to ensure that the games proceed as smoothly as possible."

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Now that President Rodrigo Duterte has said he would order an investigation into the claims of blunders including “whiffs of corruption” on our hosting of this year’s Southeast Asian Games, we call on all concerned, including the administration’s most rabid critics, to heed the call for calm and sobriety. Let us as a people come around to ensure that the games proceed as smoothly as possible.

This is not to suggest that we cover up or sweep under the rug problems or snafus which will most likely happen as the games get underway. After all, hosting such a huge event involving thousands of people and hundreds of movements all over the place—from hotels to transport services to venues to press centers and so on and on—is such a complex and draining matter that hitches can be expected. But to focus on the littlest of problems (halal vs. non halal food) or the  ‘horrifying’ venue (Biñan vs. UP gyms) or the hotel reception (early check in vs. lousy accommodation) is being malicious. It is simply not done by any self-respecting person, much more a journalist or a media outfit. 

Which is why the so called “brouhaha” as printed and reported by some news organizations tending to put the country and, of course, the administration in a bad light need to be corrected. Reporters and their outfits must be exposed for what they are—unpatriotic bearers of fake news. Take the case of the reported complaint of “some Muslim members” of the Singapore delegation about the serving of non-halal food. It turned out there was no such complaint at all. The chef de mission of the delegation had to deny the allegation, twice insisting, nay denouncing, the same as fake news. He never talked with anybody much more any reporter about the so-called non-halal food. That report was so disgusting it was simply unforgivable.

Then, that report complete with pictures about the “horrifying” unfinished venue in Biñan. Well, the local government and the entire Biñan community denounced the report as not only fake news but an out-and-out insult to their city which, by the way, has one of the best sports facilities and programs of any locality in the country. Again, it turned out that the “horrifying” unfinished venue was the UP gym which has been in disrepair for sometime. Why should a self-respecting reporter and a media outfit go to such extent just to embarrass the organizers and the administration is beyond me. It is beyond reason.

And that picture of  members of the Myanmar (or is it East Timor?) delegation lounging on some chair/sofa in the hotel obviously tired and weary from travel. The hotel explained that the delegation came in early for the regular check in so there were no rooms available yet to accommodate them. They were instead asked if they would like to simply spend time in a receiving room which was being provided for free.

Well, the reporter did not even care to print the side of the hotel. What was highlighted was a picture of some tired and weary members sleeping or lounging in some chair somewhere in the lobby. Again, that was simply meant to show “…the unpreparedness of the organizers and the outright incompetence and negligence of the administration…” 

Wow. For these people and their outfits going to such lengths dishing out incomplete stories or worse, out and out fake news, just to embarrass the administration is contemptuous and unforgivable. They should be exposed and included in the probe to be conducted after the games. 

Meantime, let us come around and cheer for our athletes, bid our visitors a warm welcome and pray that the games will proceed as smoothly as possible. Mabuhay!!!


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