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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Habits for a healthy crowning glory

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Like a crown one wears, the hair on our head, if healthy and well, can boost mood and affect our personality. Some are fortunate to be born with hair types that are healthy; according to the Andre Walker Hair Typing System, straight hair is the most resilient and hard to damage. 

Habits for a healthy crowning glory
Our crowning glory deserves love and care that goes beyond getting treatments.

But it doesn’t mean a certain person is immune to hair damage. Factors such as air pollution and hairstyling tools can damage tresses. Lamoiyan Corporation shares the following easy to do habits for a healthy crowning glory. 

Brush your hair (but don’t overdo it)

Brushing hair every day helps increase blood circulation in the scalp, strengthen the roots to reduce hair loss, and allow natural oils to go down the length of the hair. It is best to start from the ends before brushing from the roots to effectively remove the tangles. However, avoid overbrushing as it might break hair strands, especially when using plastic brushes.

Style it with care

While it is exciting to try different hairstyles using heat styling tools such as curling wands and straightening irons, it is advised to use it less often to prevent split ends and damage. As much as possible, let hair air-dry instead of using hairdryer. Minimize tying it up tightly to avoid unnecessary pressure to the hair shaft which eventually cause breakage and hair fall. 

Habits for a healthy crowning glory

Invest in a good conditioner

Conditioner is a moisturizing agent that replenishes hair’s moisture after oils are stripped due to regular use of shampoo. The use of conditioner also allows tresses to become stronger and shinier, and it provides protection from UV rays. Aside from everyday conditioning, it is also recommended to deep condition at least once a week. When applying, focus on the mid-length up to the ends of the hair as applying conditioner on the roots can cause hair to become oily, heavy, and itchy.

Eating healthy is key

Eating healthy provides our hair with the proper nutrients it needs such as iron, magnesium, and zinc. Eggs, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and fish are only some examples of food that can provide hair with lots of vitamins. Drinking lots of water also contributes to hair moisture. 

Don’t share personal hair care items 

Sharing is not always caring. From hair towel, hair bands, ponytails, to hair combs, these items should be used only by one user. Borrowing or sharing any of these items can potentially spread head lice. 

Habits for a healthy crowning glory
Use heat styling tools less often, and never share personal hair care items such as combs and ponytails to prevent head lice infestation.

Should there be early symptoms of head lice infestation like itchiness and appearance of nits or egg on hair strands, using the proper treatment such as head lice treatment shampoo is necessary.  Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo is a non-toxic and clinically proven shampoo that effectively kills lice and nits after two weeks when used twice a week. It also conditions the hair to keep it smooth. 


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