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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Unstoppable surge

“In the past weeks, we have seen the almost non-stop mass exodus of people from other camps.”

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What’s clear at this point in the presidential derby is that the Pink Movement has become unstoppable, evolving into one big rainbow coalition powered by groups of people from different social and economic backgrounds. This is evident in the recent unveiling by the Robredo campaign of a multicolored icon depicting a flower as the new symbol of the Pink Movement.

More than the optics, it is a fitting affirmation of the diversity now present within the ranks, giving credence to the claim that theirs is a people’s campaign. From being a single-color movement, the Robredo campaign is now a giant arching roof that brings together supporters from all walks of life who are united in their belief of a better future under a Robredo presidency.

In the past weeks, we have seen the almost non-stop mass exodus of people from other camps. It validates the palpable momentum on the ground, and even in the latest surveys.

Former supporters of rival camps joining the campaign rallies and grassroots sorties are welcomed with open arms. Showbiz personalities and theater people have descended from their pedestals to join the masses in holding flash mobs and house-to-house campaigns.

There’s now a steady parade of big-name actors and influencers coming out for the vice president. Doctors, lawyers, academics, businessmen and the laity have also endorsed Robredo and her running mate, Senator Kiko Pangilinan.

Anyone who has joined or witnessed the instant “song-and-dance” numbers that materialize on city streets would be awed by their infectious afterglow. The new Leni-Kiko campaign icon captures the collective spirit that animates these gatherings.

Alarmed by the droves of people jumping on the Leni-Kiko bandwagon, political rivals have alleged that local politicians offering support to Robredo had been paid, which her camp describes as utterly untrue and without any basis.

Senator Franklin Drilon explained it clearly when he said that the Pink Movement is snowballing, and elected officials with their political kingpins can now feel the tide turning. He said the “pivot” to the Robredo-Pangilinan camp of hundreds of influential officials in the regions was, and will be, voluntary on their part.

He laughed off “troll-manufactured fake news” that the Robredo camp dangled financial support to entice elected local officials to shift allegiance. The former Senate President asserted that there was “no exchange deal, only the promise that a Robredo presidency will fight for the people and give our children a better future.”

Maybe the next ridiculous outburst of the rival camp is to accuse the flash mobs and the house-to-house campaign as a ruse for volunteers to spy on homes and steal the precious belongings of homeowners.

The house-to-house campaign is catching fire with volunteers, local leaders, and showbiz personalities knocking on the doors of ordinary Filipino households.

While already tried and tested in past elections, there’s something unique in this grassroots campaign. No other “presidentiable” can claim that he or she has legions of ordinary citizens in the streets, going to the barangays rain or shine, using their own money, and politely telling people to vote for their candidate.

One thing commendable is the conduct and demeanor of the house-to-house volunteers—polite and respectful despite being bashed and jeered at. A happy campaign, indeed. This is the kind of civility that converts people and wins their hearts and votes. And that is how the war against fake news is being won in the frontlines.

The rival camp should be assured that the Robredo volunteers are not out to steal money from homes. There’s a big difference between doing “akyat-bahay” to take billions from the nation’s coffers to conducting “bahay-bahay” to appeal to the hearts and minds of voters. With the momentum building up in favor of the Robredo campaign, the snowball appears to have become unstoppable. But let’s wait for the results of the actual voting on May 9, because that’s when we can see whether the Pink Movement has really made enough impact on Filipino voters to make them choose pink instead of red.

Requiem for Ambassador Chito Sta. Romana

I wish to extend my sincere condolences to the family of Ambassador Chito Sta. Romana on his untimely demise last Monday.

Chito had been a familiar fixture in street rallies during the early 70s. Because of his active involvement in radical politics, he was blacklisted by the military for alleged violation of RA 1700 or the Anti-Subversion Law. Hence, when Marcos Sr. suspended the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus after the Plaza Miranda bombing in 1971, he along with several other student activists decided to stay on in China where they had been invited to see for themselves what was going on in that country under Mao. His exposure to life in China since 1971 and subsequent stint as a Beijing-based bureau chief of the American Broadcast Company (ABC) served him in good stead as he earned distinction as a China expert, enough to convince President Duterte to appoint him as Philippine envoy to China in late 2016.

With Chito’s passing, he leaves a void in the Philippine Embassy in Beijing that his successor would perhaps find difficult to fill, as the position involves a delicate balancing act where he/she must protect and defend our national interests while at the same time showing utmost respect for the Chinese position on bilateral issues and concerns. (Email: [email protected])


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