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Friday, September 20, 2024

PRC urged to revoke Badoy’s license

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A group of medical doctors has asked the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) to revoke the license of Undersecretary Lorraine Marie Badoy, herself a licensed physician, for her red-tagging antics which allegedly violated their Code of Conduct and the ethical standards of their profession.

It was the second of such complaints filed in three months against Badoy, spokesperson of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) Last April, the Alliance of Health Workers (AHW) lodged administrative complaints against Badoy at the PRC for the same reasons.”

Among the complainants in the second case were physicians Eleanor Jara, Maria Magdalena Barcelon, Reynaldo Lesaca Jr., Edelina de la Paz, Joseph Carabeo, Carol Araullo, Alexis Montes, Benigno Santi II, Ruben Caragay, Violeta Casiguran, Eduardo Gatchalian, Ana Maria Consuelo, Rizalito Ocampo, Edgardo Ulysses Dorotheo, Raymond Joshua San Pedro, Jamie Dominique Dasmariñas, and Merry Clamor.

The complainants claimed that Badoy violated the code of conduct and ethical standards of the medical profession with “her incessant red-tagging, not just of fellow health workers but also of different sectors.”

“Her unfounded and baseless claims especially violate the principles of respect for life and for person, and expressly goes against the principle of doing no harm,” the complainants stressed.

“Therefore, her actions of red-tagging are unethical, and cause substantial harm to the lives not just of the accused, but also their families and those they work with,” they added.

The doctors said Badoy has been an “additional, unnecessary stressor” for health workers already dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We believe that such conduct and words are deeply unprofessional and form part of behavior so unethical that she deserves the suspension, if not the outright revocation, of her medical license,” the complainants said.

They further emphasized that “Badoy took it upon herself not to contribute to the betterment of lives and wellbeing, but to be the face of vilification and harassment.”

Badoy has charged that the AHW was among the organizations created by the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front of the Philippines (CPP-NPA-NDF) “precisely for the infiltration of the government.”

Badoy claimed then that the AHW “infiltrated the Philippine Orthopedic Center, the UP PGH (University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital), the Lung Center, the Kidney Institute, as well as regional and provincial hospitals all the way down to the barangay levels.”

Badoy  also alleged that the underground organization of the AHW was Makabayang Samahang Pangkalusugan (MASAPA).

Moreover, Badoy also accused some Department of Health (DOH) officials for “defending a member of the Central Committee of the CPP-NPA-NDF” after a regional trial court dismissed the kidnapping and serious illegal detention case against Dr. Natividad “Naty” Castro last March.

“If these ‘doctors’ (what are their names and affiliations, I’m curious) who are filing a complaint against me at the PRC to take away my medical license for ‘red-tagging’ are serious, then I will need to haul them to the National Center for Mental Health for a most thorough and highly needed mental status exam,” Badoy countered.

“How is it possible that supposedly learned people have not heard that ‘red-tagging’ is non-existent and that our Supreme Court has clearly ruled that there is no danger to life, liberty and security when one is identified as a member of the CPP NPA NDF?,” she asked.

Badoy said the complainants against her were violating the basic tenet of the Hippocratic oath: “primum non nocere” (“first, do no harm”) that they say she is violating.

“As doctors, we are now being asked to heal our country of this 53-year malignancy that has spread its deadly tentacles through all sectors of our society,” she said.

“When we clearly identify fronts and members of the CPP NPA NDF, we at the NTF ELCAC are PREVENTING grievous harm to come to our people,” she said.

And when they try to silence the government from speaking the truth about those noxious, deceitful fronts, they are enabling the most atrocious crimes on the people, she said, which she listed as “murder, massacres, recruitment, radicalization, kidnapping, human trafficking, sexual abuse, child abuse, slavery, torture, extortion, destruction of property, and terrorist financing.”

These “doctors” are parroting the lines of this terrorist organization and employing a tool used by these terrorists -“red-tagging “- to muzzle the government when they  do their  duty of clearly and correctly identifying the fronts of this terrorist organization so countrymen can protect their children, who are the prime targets of the CPP NPA NDF, and stop them from joining this terrorist organization where countless numbers of them have lost their lives as violent extremists of the CPP NPA NDF, she said.

The Alliance of Health Workers that these “doctors” are defending is an above ground organization of the CPP NPA NDF that is connected to an underground organization, Makabayang Samahang Pangkalusugan (MASAPA) that has recently been designated by the Anti Terrorism Council as a terrorist organization, Badoy said.

They pretend to fight for the rights of health workers but in fact, care nothing for them, she said.

Their only goal is the same goal as the CPP NPA NDF because the AHW and the CPP NPA NDF are one and the same and this is the violent overthrow of the government and the installation of communism in our beloved Philippines, she said.

In order to achieve that, they recruit members who have no idea that they have joined a terrorist organization. They then agitate them and teach them the deeply wounding language of hate and mistrust toward the government. And when they are ripe for the picking, they are recruited into this terrorist organization, Badoy claimed.

So much harm has befallen the people because past administrations did not do their job of properly identifying these fronts of the CPP NPA NDF that deceived children and the people, Badoy said.

“The government will no longer be silenced about these noxious terrorist fronts that have stolen what is most precious to us: our children.  And we will be more relentless and fierce in the yanking off of those masks these terrorists hide behind so they can deceive our children,” she said.

“And we will be louder and bolder about the Truth than they are about their lies.  This most recent attempt at silencing, harassing and shaming us will not work,” Badoy said.

“There is NOTHING that will silence me and the ENTIRE NTF ELCAC from identifying members and fronts of this terrorist organization that has brought death and destruction to our country,” she said.

“All of that is worn-out propaganda of the CPP NPA NDF that they use to recruit, raise funds and embarrass the government,” she said.

“But those days when they could deceive and scare and silence us are long over. I   laugh at their faces for trying to scare me with the revocation of my medical license.  If I had a hundred medical licenses, I would give it all up if it meant the end of these communist terrorist bastards,” Badoy said.

“Our people are awake and have joined hands with us.  We are ready to completely demolish these demons and relegate them back to the bowels of hell where they belong,” she added.


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