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Friday, September 20, 2024

Celebs help empower students as they return to school

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Another school year is fast approaching, and students from all over the Philippines are preparing for their return. Although the government and private institutions have developed new learning systems that allow students to learn in school or in their homes, some Filipinos still struggle with the resources to receive a quality education. 

The World Bank found that only 26.9 percent of Filipino students had broadband internet access, while distance schooling only covered 20 percent of children in the country. Even with access to online learning, children ages 12 and below have trouble focusing on on-screen lessons. 

Yet World Vision, a global Christian humanitarian organization, aims to bridge the gap between Filipinos in underserved communities and their right to receive an education. It sounds like a tall order for one organization and its donors, but World Vision has a plan with its Back-To-School 2022 campaign, and all it takes is P1,000. 

P1,000 may seem like a meager amount to others, but for World Vision, it’s enough to provide two school children with the school supplies they need for the entire school year. 

Since 2020, the Back-To-School Program has donated nearly 88,000 learning kits and 36,000 learning modules to vulnerable communities in the Philippines. By supporting this campaign and donating P1,000, individuals can help more vulnerable children get the assistance they need to start the school year with joy and hope in their hearts.

“Our hope is that by providing students with what they need for the school year, they will be able to feel more confident and hopeful in working towards their dreams,” said Rommel Fuerte, National Director for World Vision Philippines. 

World Vision Advocate Scarlet Snow Belo shares her experience going to school and how grateful she is to be part of the Back-To-School program.

World Vision advocate Scarlet Snow Belo is happy to be a part of the campaign because she knows how fun it is for children like her to enjoy going to school and learning new things. 

“School is such a great place to be. I have so much fun playing with my classmates, writing, and learning many interesting facts. I’m also happy for the other children like me who can experience this joy and excitement with the help of World Vision, kind-hearted donors, and sponsors,” she said. 

To further show her solidarity with children in the country, Scarlet pledged a sizeable amount of her money to provide more than ten children with World Vision’s Back-To-School kits. 

World Vision’s Back-To-School 2022 campaign aims to help the most vulnerable children continue schooling despite the pandemic and other calamities plaguing the country. Aside from the learning kits, which contain learning modules for remote communities, World Vision also offers financial aid to marginalized families in the country. 

Jasmine Curtis-Smith, a World Vision ambassador, recognizes the challenges students and parents have faced in the new learning setup during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

World Vision Ambassador Jasmine Curtis-Smith talks about the difficulties faced by students due to the pandemic.

“These times have been difficult for parents, with the struggles of working from home. Imagine how difficult it must be for students and children as well—to not have social interactions with their [fellow] classmates,” she said.

She hopes that with the contribution of more sponsors and donors, more Filipino students can have a better experience in school and pursue their education. 


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