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Holistic Healing for Pets to Celebrate World Animal Day

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More and more pet parent or caretaker want to help heal and improve the well-being of their pets without relying on medication and treatments only. The good news is there are alternative methods to prevent illnesses, and complementary non-medicine-based way to heal one’s pet. These include a change in diet, use of herbs and specific food for a specific ailment, use of crystals, and ScalarPrana Therapy.

In this article, I would like to discuss with you ScalarPrana Therapy.

Sia, cat of author Aimee, is alive and kicking now, still enjoying life despite what happened to her.

Rewarding furparent-pet relationship

Being a pet parent or caretaker is both wonderful and rewarding. Pets are a great source of happiness and joy. They provide great companionship, cheer us up whenever we feel down, and help us relax and lower our stress levels. For them, it doesn’t matter what your physical appearance is, how much money you have in the bank, your age, your gender, and your status quo.

However, being a pet parent comes with hardships too. Especially when they are sick or worse, suffering from chronic illness or old age.

Do you agree?

When our pet is sick, whether it’s a minor or major health concern, we can’t help but feel anxious and distressed. Seeing them not as energetic as they used to be, not eating any food we give them, and just sleeping all day long is enough to make us stressed and worried.

And whenever you call their names, stroke them, and ask what’s wrong, they just look at you feeling hopeless and sad about their conditions. That breaks our hearts!

If only they can talk, and say what they feel or what’s wrong, it would be easier for us to help and take care of them, right? But they don’t communicate verbally! And this situation makes us feel more anxious, sad, and frustrated.

Yes, we can bring them to our vet and see what’s wrong, but veterinary clinics are not open 24/7. And not all veterinarians are available to give us instructions on what to do if our pets are vomiting or moaning in pain.

As a parent, we will do everything to provide comfort at that very moment. Even to the point of neglecting our well-being!

I still vividly remember that afternoon when I was checking out our cats and seeing if they were okay.

That was a cold season where respiratory infections were prevalent among dogs and cats.

Sia, my Siamese cat was lying down and seemed to be sleeping. But a part of me felt there was something wrong. When I called her name, she didn’t respond. So I caressed her but she didn’t move.

Fear started to creep in.

Botcho, dog of Sheila, healed through ScalarPrane Therapy.

I shook her up and she moved a little but she was too weak. I immediately brought her to the vet clinic nearby, and the veterinarian gave antibiotics. He also gave me medicine and vitamins to help her fight the respiratory infection.

I went home feeling relief but the next few hours were full of worries and distress.

Even though she already took the medicine needed, I saw how she had difficulty breathing, and that jade me more anxious. The next few days were like a battlefield between me and Sia. She didn’t want to eat and drank very little water.

My sister who is my pet co-parent was in Boracay and I was the only one left at home to feed and take care of her.

I also struggled in giving her the required medications because it had to be given using a syringe. I would have had her confined even just for a few days, but I didn’t have enough money at that time. The vet bills I paid from her previous treatment and medications were huge already.

I found it overwhelming and difficult that it negatively affected my physical and psychological health. The uncertainty, not knowing what to do next, the self-blame, guilt, and feeling inadequate to help my pet affected me.

Can you relate to this experience?

As pet parents, we’ll do everything to make them well and free from pain.

But we can’t deny that taking care of our pets especially when their case is chronic can also negatively affect our physical, mental, and emotional health.

Is there a better way for us to take care of them and support their needs during these difficult times without sacrificing our health?

The good news is… there is! You can influence the healing of your pet and possibly reverse its health condition with ScalarPrana Therapy.

What is ScalarPrana therapy?

ScalarPrana Therapy is an alternative healing modality that integrates two universal energies— Scalar energy and Prana.

This combination of energies makes ScalarPrana a potent and effective healing method for physical and psychological ailments both for humans and animals.

Nacho’s itchiness was gone after a session with a ScalarPrana Therapy healer.

So how does ScalarPrana Therapy work?

Human Beings are made up of physical and non-physical bodies. The truth is we are more of an energy than matter; 5 per cent (%) physical and 95 per cent (%) non-physical.

Your invisible bodies play a crucial role in keeping you healthy and alive by properly assimilating and processing life energy. If your energy bodies are out of balance and life energy is disrupted within your energy system, a disease or illness in your physical and psychological health may develop.

Our pets have invisible bodies too! They have chakras, energy channels, and auric fields that work together to sustain their health and life.

ScalarPrana Therapy helps in removing energy blockages from their energy system and infusing them with Scalar energy.

This process creates healing from the inside out at the cellular level and restores balance and harmony within the energy system.

When the energy system of your pet is working well, its body’s healing mechanism is automatically activated.

Learning how to work with the non-physical part of your pet and balancing the energy can bring positive change to his state of wellness and enhance his overall well-being.

Make sense right?

Now the next question is…

Is ScalarPrana therapy effective in healing and improving the health condition of my pet?

Well, Shiela, the parent of Botcho proved that it works!

A few months ago, Botcho suffered from a skin disease. Unfortunately, the family vet was not around to help the fur baby. So Shiela decided to take the matter into her own hands and apply ScalarPrana therapy on her dog every day.

And in just six weeks, the pet healed from the skin disease without any drugs!

Check out the before and after photos of Botcho below.

ScalarParana Therapy also helped Shakti. With meds, her liver and kidney values went back to normal.

Would you like to learn more about how you can also apply the same healing technique to your pet?

Join us in Holistic Healing for Animals on October 8, 2022, at 3:00 PM (Philippine Standard Time)

To celebrate World Animal Day 2022, Save Animals of Love and Light- Save ALL Inc. and Bioenergetics Training Center join forces to hold an online talk to help pet parents, pet caretakers, and pet rescuers heal their pets and enhance their overall well-being with ScalarPrana Therapy.

In this online talk, you will learn about aura, energy channels, and chakras, and the crucial role they play in keeping you and your pets healthy and promoting longevity.

You will also learn how and why Scalar and Prana energies are powerful healing tools you can use to heal yourself and your pets from sickness of mind, body, and soul.

At the end of the talk, there is a healing session to release stress, cleanse auras, and strengthen the auric fields of your pets.

The healing session is limited to only 14 slots so don’t miss this opportunity! Please message Save ALL Inc. for the slot.

Join us and celebrate World Animal Day 2022 by helping your pets improve their overall health!

To register for free, visit the official Facebook page of Save Animals of Love and Light –Save ALL at or contact Ms. Desiree Carlos (profile pic is a shihtzu in pink dress).

For more information on energy healing sessions outside of the Oct 8 session, please contact them at ScalarPrana Therapeutic System Email: [email protected] Mobile numbers: +63917-1350220 or +63917-1287855 Website:

About the Author: Aimee Emejas is a digital marketing specialist. She has advocated energy healing since 2012. She works for Bioenergetic Training Center Inc. and is on a mission to help people learn to heal themselves and others through ScalarPrana Therapy. She is also a pet parent of four cats and loves to write inspiring articles and content that helps enhance the well-being of people and animals.


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