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Friday, September 20, 2024

Of blueprints, dreams, and success: shaping future design leaders

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In his third year of college, Arch. Eugene Aguilar (shown here with his students at a site inspection) started his career by working part-time for an architectural firm.

He began cultivating his knowledge early on through industry experience and bolstered it by working for a number of different companies before obtaining his professional license. When he was ready and had an opportunity to go further, he traveled abroad to nurture his profession. He later on returned to the country, continually passing on the lessons he had acquired to future generations.

Aguilar’s nearly three-decade experience in architectural design and project management from design consultancy and construction and manufacturing firms in the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has propelled him to the pinnacle of the architectural profession today. In addition to his success in the industry, he is a teacher, life coach, and a resource and motivational speaker in higher education, professional organizations, non-government organizations, and the workplace.

As an educator, Aguilar considers raising the next generation of leaders in school as one of his notable achievements. He said, “I have seen some of them practicing and passing their licensure exam. I have always believed that ‘A student will always exceed their teacher,’ and I am happy to help those under my coaching and mentoring reach their level of potential or get them, like myself, on the path leading to it.”

‘You can’t fax a handshake’

He went on further by saying that the architectural program has been, for the most part, an apprenticeship. However, due to adjustments in the standard learning practice, teaching has been challenging.

“As it is difficult to ‘fax a handshake,’ the impartation of skills is always at its best when done face to face and not online,” he said.

“Although technology helps to create a conducive atmosphere and environment for learning, getting students inspired remains to be a big challenge. What I try to do with my students in Enderun Colleges is to show them what is possible, what they can achieve, and show them development projects that would make them excited to aspire to work on similar projects,” he explained.

“What is exciting and unique about Enderun’s College of Architecture and Design program is its decision to tap design professionals who have been successful in their industry, who are still active in the industry, and who are passionate about teaching,” Aguilar said. “Leaders do not raise followers, leaders raise leaders, and when we gather leaders, we are able to raise up future leaders in the industry.”

He consistently instills in his students the changes brought about by the pandemic. He believes that going back to basics, designing with the future in mind, and planning for the long term, not just for the present, but also for the next generation, is the best strategy.


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