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Saturday, September 21, 2024

People drink more alcohol when grieving or celebrating—Study

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Misery loves company…and alcohol, study showed.

A social study conducted locally indicated that many people across the globe turn to alcohol when they are sad and lonely, or grieving for the loss of a loved one, sulking over a breakup with a lover or partner, or moping on a financial debacle.

The traditional observance of All Saints’ Day (Undas) is one such occasion when friends and families gather round over bottles of beer or whatever drink comes in handy.

Incidentally, the authorities, specifically the police have banned the bringing of intoxicating drinks to the cemeteries.

The research done by Packworks Sari IQ showed that sale of alcoholic beverages jumped up to 14.2 percent from October 31 to November 2, 2021 from 11.10 percent on October 1 to 30, 2021. The comparative reflected a typical day’s worth of market share to the three-day “Undas” holiday last year.

“This is expected as Filipinos consider ‘Undas’ as a time to remember loved ones in a social context, meaning a lot of gatherings that revolve the consumption of alcoholic beverages is common,” Packworks chief data officer Andres Montiel said.

According to the Sari IQ findings, different alcoholic drinks dominated the market share during the holiday last year, with brandy rising from 1.65 percent on ordinary days to 2.70 percent during the holidays; rum from 2.42 percent to 3.20 percent; gin from 5.32 percent to 5.94 percent; and beer from 1.14 percent to 1.61 percent.

On the other hand, cigarettes declined by 1.02 percent in market share even though it recorded the highest percentage during the normal period (21.91 percent) and the holidays (20.92 percent).

“The decrease may be because, in a period of solemnity in deference to the dead, we stay away from products that may have caused the death of our loved ones. A poignant reminder that life is short and people want to enjoy it longer,” Montiel added.

On the other hand, sales of tea, coffee, and creamers decreased by 0.65 percent during the same period.

“This might be due to people sleeping late nights in the cemetery, drinking alcohol, and not waking up early to have their morning coffee or tea,” Montiel surmised.

Even with the increasing market share for alcohol, Sari IQ found out that daily sales during “Undas” were typically lower than in the whole month of October, where total sales daily decreased by 19.78 percent.

Montiel said, “this might be due to people leaving their houses to visit graves; thus, some local sari-sari stores might be closed during this time to celebrate the long holiday at their home province or in the cemetery.”

These “sin” products have been heavily taxed by the government as part of its Universal Health Care Program, as the duties from these products may be a potential revenue source that will help the program.

According to the Sin Tax law, higher taxes and consequently higher costs will discourage the consumption of Filipinos from these “sin” products, especially cigarettes that cause lung cancer, which is the leading form of cancer in the country.

However, based on the data presented, Filipinos continue patronizing “sin” products even though the prices have increased due to the higher taxes imposed.


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