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Friday, September 20, 2024

Any alternatives?

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It’s the time of the year when the whole world celebrates the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ – truly, the most festive time annually. Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

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The year 2022 is about to close and we have seen tremendous changes in the motoring scene – here and abroad.

The transformation of how the car is made and what makes it move is a major change that the world has seen over the past several months and years.

The electric vehicles, once a history in the evolution of cars, have made a considerable comeback these past 12 months. Although it has already been a decade since it was heralded that electric cars are making a major comeback, it was only these past few months that the world has seen the hard drive to perfect the electric cars as an alternative to the internal combustion engines.

The spiraling cost of fuel that was precipitated by the various world-wide political and economic changes suddenly gave a big push to the transformation of the cars from ICE to electric.

There may be several factors why the world has not fully embraced electric vehicles. Aside from the infrastructure, the biggest headache is still the ongoing search for a perfect battery that will steadily power the car and make the price of owning one go down significantly. Another one is the continuing search for the minerals right from the bosom of the mother earth.

Yes, the electric cars of today are very much different from the electric cars of the 1900 era. The prolific batteries being used now can give you enough mileage to go places compared with just a few miles in the past.

But with the various problems that are still hounding the production of the electric cars today and the significantly high price of owning one up to this day, consumers, and even car executives, are still having second thoughts on the electric cars.

Take Japan which is the main proponent of the ICE cars, it is still adamant on getting full steam ahead on electric cars. If you will remember, it is the first country to re-invent electric batteries almost a decade back. But why was Japan overtaken very easily by the Europeans and the Americans in the manufacturing of electric cars?

There must be something that the Japanese had already seen on developing further and introducing back the electric cars. Virtually stopping and letting the competition move ahead on electric vehicles may not be a tactical gamble on the part of the Japanese. As we have said, they must have seen something that we have not heard or seen yet.

We certainly agree that it’s about time the world must now have an alternative to the ICEs as it really contributes a lot to polluting the earth. Second is to stop the Middle East countries from further controlling the world economy through their grip on the prices of oil.

But what alternatives do we have now aside from electric cars?


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