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Friday, September 20, 2024


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We have been encountering posts on dogs, cats, and other animals on Facebook that are eye-openers, or inspiring, or enlightening, or educational, or can make one feel good during a stressful day, or make one encouraged to help the poor souls among us.

Sunday Pets would like to share these notable posts of netizens and groups through this space called Pawsbook.

We are dog lovers


It broke my heart to see him so alone and confused. And suddenly I managed to make his teary eyes meet mine. I don’t like the smell of sad. I wanted so badly to jump on him. He spoke to me tenderly and I knew, I had to rescue him! That human needed me. So I barked with all my might, followed him for blocks and blocks.

I got closer, I could smell his hands. The human smiled for an instant and when he took me in his arms, I began to feel his cold heart warm. I got close to his cheeks and felt a tear roll down them. I looked deeply at him and his response was a bright smile. I jumped excitedly into his arms, I promised to behave myself, love him forever and never leave his side.

How lucky he was to pass through that block, down that street and I also feel lucky.

There were so many people walking by and no one was looking at me. All worried, all involved in his problems. I’m glad no one else chose me! Today I saved a life. Today I adopted a human.

Doggos and Puppers

I can’t take him to the beach for a walk because it bothers you on your vacation, you don’t allow me to rent a house if I have a dog, nor can I put it on urban public transport.

However, I can take him to the rubble to look for you after an earthquake, in the forest after you got lost in the mountain and you had no map or GPS; under the snow, because you did a forbidden off-piste; in the water, because despite the red flag, you went swimming when the posted signs said not to. You welcome him when you need him but not when it’s not convenient for you. After all….”it is just a dog”….

Think again people. Dogs are better than most humans, they’re kinder, more loyal, love unconditionally and they appreciate you no matter whether you deserve it or not.

Swarna Ranjani Manike

I saw a dog on the side of the road. As soon as he saw the car he got up and started barking… I stopped and saw those eyes..

I saw pain, despair but also hope… As if they were telling me take me from here…

And that’s how it happened!!! We are starting our new life!

From a mom who feels lucky today

Compiled by DC


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