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Friday, September 20, 2024

Region VIII ‘s new voices in the House of Representatives

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Located in the Visayas, the Eastern Visayas (Region VIII) has much to offer in nation-building.

Although popularly known for the longest and most well-designed bridge–the San Juanico Bridge–Eastern Visayas is also known for the rich culture of its locals, seen in its festivals, traditions, and more.

These distinctions and potential show how much the region requires capable voices for representation in the House of Representatives. In the 19th Congress, newly appointed district representatives took on the responsibility as the champions of their respective districts for a brighter future.

(Leyte, Fourth District)

“I believe in the Filipino. I want to serve our countrymen because I want to show them that we can be as good as our first-world country counterparts. Thus, my legislative agenda centers on peace and order, strengthening the fight against illegal drugs, food security, and the development of agriculture.”

Thanks to his promising career in showbiz, Rep. Gomez, who also goes by the moniker “Goma,” gained public attention. But besides his passion for entertaining people with his acting skills, he found a new calling that allows him to serve the public with more relevance.
Before becoming a district representative, Rep. Gomez served as Ormoc City’s Mayor from 2016 to 2022, earning more experience and inspiration that pushed him to become a better public leader.
His administration successfully eliminated illegal drugs in Ormoc, making Ormoc one of the safest cities in the Philippines. With such a foundation, and Ormoc enjoying peace and order, he brought in numerous investors, and, thus, uplifted the city’s economic development. In turn, making Ormoc the richest city in Region 8.
Many Filipinos consider Rep. Gomez as their friend in Congress who listens to their concerns and acts accordingly. Yet besides establishing firm connections with his constituents through regular visits around his district, Rep. Gomez is also a staunch advocate of sports, culture, and the arts.
Rep. Gomez is equally active in his new position in the 19th Congress. He’s the principal author of the bill institutionalizing a comprehensive National Sports Development Program centered on the Philippine National Games, and a co-author of significant bills such as protecting consumers and merchants engaged in internet transactions by creating the Electronic Commerce Bureau and establishing the Institute of Infectious Diseases and Immunology.

(Southern Leyte, First District)

“The primary consideration for me to pursue a career in politics is to sustain, if not accelerate, the momentum of economic progress in my district, gained over the years through the earnest conscientious efforts of my immediate predecessor.
During my term, I will be espousing a consultative method of planning and implementation of programs and projects, so that the outcome is reflective of the genuine needs and aspirations of my constituents.”

Being a district representative entails significant responsibility, but Rep. Mercado doesn’t run from a challenge. Instead, she keeps firm in her decisions, showing her constituents that she’s ready to lead them to a progressive tomorrow. Despite her strength, Rep. Mercado also exudes an air of humility and openness that encourages Filipinos to lean on her whenever they need a guide down the right path to create holistic growth in the country.
She’s often out and about in her district to oversee the developments that her constituents can enjoy, whether it’s financial assistance or the completion of infrastructure products. Rep. Mercado also recognizes the youth’s potential through quality education and encourages them to pursue their studies and be the catalysts of change the district needs.
In the House of Representatives, Rep. Mercado is the principal author of numerous bills, including institutionalizing the Whole of Nation approach in attaining inclusive and sustainable peace, creating a national task force to end local communist armed conflict, and directing the adoption of a National Peace Framework. Other examples are declaring the Southern Leyte province into a tourism zone and establishing a banana tissue culture laboratory in Maasin City, Southern Leyte.

(Northern Samar, Second District)

“Before I was elected as Congressman, I was Municipal Mayor of my hometown, Laoang, in Northern Samar. As such, I was able to witness and identify the various needs of my constituents. What motivated me to pursue a career in politics is the fulfillment that I was able to help other people. I want the people to feel that government exists. Hence, it has always been my policy that in the utilization of government resources, the basic needs of the people, must be the primordial consideration.”

Service with a smile. That’s one way of describing Rep. Ongchuan and what he does for his district. But don’t be taken by his calm, collected, and enthusiastic behavior. The district representative is serious about getting the job done as he advocates for education, health, and the development of his district. The Ongchuan name has since become a trusted name in the House of Representatives for Northern Samar’s Second District. Among all the services that Rep. Ongchuan prioritizes the most in his district, he gives significant attention to ensuring access to free and effective medical services by bringing the services to the constituents themselves. The services include ECG, X-Ray, ultrasound, consultations, and providing medicine like vitamins and antibiotics—a new development in the delivery of mobile medical services. Meanwhile, Ongchuan pushed for numerous bills in the 19th Congress, including his principally authored ones like granting appropriate civil service eligibility to contractual temporary and coterminous government employees under certain conditions, providing for the creation of mental health centers in every region, and the use of neo-ethnic textiles in the academic regalia of state and local universities and colleges.

(Samar, First District)

If there’s one thing Rep. Tan, who also goes by Jimboy, hopes to achieve as a district representative, it’s acting on opportunities that will lead to the Filipinos’ progress. He hopes that by merging service with compassion, he’ll be efficient in providing for his constituents and creating a united community where people from Samar understand how harmony is a key to unlocking new opportunities.
Rep. Tan isn’t one to stay firmly behind an office desk. He conducts regular visits around his district to determine any areas for improvement. One example is how he visits schools in his jurisdiction with his team to plan how to meet the school’s demands and provide quality education and comfort to its students and teachers.
As for the House of Representatives, Rep. Tan also makes his voice heard, especially his people’s, through his principally authored bills like creating a comprehensive policy enabling youth participation in adolescent pregnancy prevention, strengthening the Filipino youth involvement in agriculture and entrepreneurship, and establishing a green public procurement program for all branches of government.

(Samar, Second District)

“I saw, through my mother, that with the right motivations and a strong desire to help those in need, as Governor and now Congressman, I can push for and implement initiatives that would improve the lives of Samarnons. My priorities are reforms in the fields of housing, health and social services.”

Like every other member of the House of Representatives, Rep. Tan works long and hard to provide for his people’s needs. When he’s not traveling around the district to see any changes, he keeps his office door open to talk with other public leaders or everyday Filipinos to get a fresh perspective on how to achieve his goals for the district, especially since he’s a man of action.
Besides working tirelessly in the House of Representatives to lobby for his constituents’ and every Filipino’s rights, Rep. Tan also advocates culture and the arts, often highlighting Samar’s beauty in various aspects. In the meantime, he maximizes his online platform to go beyond the usual information gathering and sharing purpose, as he uses it to create interaction with his constituents.
On the other hand, some examples of his contributions to the 19th Congress include bills like enhancing the continuing professional development of Filipino professionals as an integral component of career progression and specialization programs, strengthening the powers and functions of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines, and developing the tikog industry by creating the Banig Subsidy Fund, the Tikog Research and Development Center, and declaring Basey, Samar as the Banig Capital of the Philippines.

(Leyte, Third District)

“While a career in politics was never part of the plan, I choose to be part of the solution, working to be the change we want to see. To amplify impact for the Third District of Leyte, I leverage networks in heritage, education, sustainable livelihood and tourism, climate action, and the attainment of SDGs.”

When Filipinos think of older sisters (or Ates), they think of someone they can depend on when times get rough and someone to celebrate achievements with. That’s the image Rep. Veloso-Tuazon positioned herself as a district representative: as an “Ate ng Bayan.” She focuses on providing scholarships and livelihoods while promoting the district’s tourism. She frequently highlights the region’s social, environmental, gastronomical, and cultural resources.
She also advocates the academe’s potential by recognizing their efforts in providing new information to expand their opportunities, thus encouraging others to witness how proper research bears results. Rep. Veloso-Tuazon also uses her online presence to keep her constituents well-informed about any disturbances, like extreme weather conditions, to prepare them for any incidents.
Rep. Veloso-Tuazon is also the principal author of bills in the 19th Congress, such as providing for the right of married women to retain their maiden surnames, creating the Eastern Visayas Development Authority (EVDA), and rightsizing the national government to improve public service delivery.

(Southern Leyte, Second District)

Rep. Yap, also known as Coco in his district, is another prime example of genuine service in Eastern Visayas. People know him for his compassion and for actively providing the constituents with their demands. Besides that, he also preserves the cultural identity of Southern Leyte by respecting its culture and history. Rep. Yap is also keen on working with other public leaders to bring results that benefit all.
The district representative values empowering grassroots communities. He focuses on boosting his district’s coconut industry, all while doling out financial aid for medical assistance, among others. He also embraces his online presence and platform, encouraging others to utilize its opportunities and equip them for a more technologically-inclined future.
In the meantime, some of his contributions to the House of Representatives include bills like establishing the National Center for Geriatric Health and Research Institute, providing free annual medical check-ups for Filipinos, and strengthening the national program to eliminate tuberculosis.


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