28.3 C
Friday, September 20, 2024

Thank you, I love you

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Since yesterday I’ve been sitting with my old and ailing dog “Ni” (short for Lani). She’s single, like me, and has been my only housemate since 2021. “Ni” is a shy dog, very reserved. I adopted a kitten 2 years ago but she didn’t like it. “Ni”, it seems, is also a loner.

She’s been ill since the last eclipse and yesterday I felt her energy is already leaving her physical body. So I sat with her listening to singing bowls while green incense is burning. We sat together until almost midnight. I chanted for “Ni” and caressed her head and body and saying the most organic prayer I know “thank you Ni, I love you”. That made us both feel better. She slept soundly.

A Youtube link to a soothing music for a sick pet who is loved so much.

I even dug a hole last night in case she passes, but she lived thru it. She’s restless in the morning though. After lunch today I touched her again and shooed away the flies and ants. Her energy is down to it’s barest but she started blinking and wagging her tail when I touched her. Again I kept saying “thank you Ni, I love you”. Then my favorite vision of “Ni” sunbathing in the mornings started fading from my mind too.

I played the 528 hz video posted here, then she stiffened, neck stretched out, her body started vibrating rapidly. The remaining, residual energy of “Ni” detached from the body. My housemate is completely gone now.

A final resting place for a beloved pet.

After burying my housemate -dog “Ni” I said “thank you Ni, I love you” several times, this time to myself. It felt like a soothing balm. Two of my favorite long sleeved shirt were buried with her. Tokens.

The magic of “thank you, I love you” is hard to explain, but it lifts what is low, it helps us find ways out of the dark, it’s like an embrace that calms every part of you, it’s a way of saying life goes on.

Wherever you are now “thank you Ni, I love you”. See ya.


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