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Alibaba Cloud: From sports, digital evolution to sustainability solutions

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ALIBABA Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, has been at the forefront of the world’s evolution into the digital age with its cloud computing services, e-commerce ecosystem, data storage and processing, anti-DDoS protection and content delivery networks.

But it is more than just those tech jargons.

Since 2017, it has also become a partner of the International Olympic Committee in its efforts to transform the Olympic Games into the digital era, while better engaging the young generation into its fold. Along the way, it has also helped protect the environment by analyzing carbon emissions, pushing for a greener lifestyle and offering sustainability solutions.

ALIBABA Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group

Olympic partner

Six years ago, Alibaba joined The Olympic Partner worldwide sponsorship program as its official cloud services partner. This led to the launching in 2018 of the Olympic Broadcasting Services Cloud, which operates entirely in the cloud and supports the extremely demanding content production and delivery workflows of broadcasting the gaames.

In July, 2020, Alibaba Cloud announced its support for Le Club Paris 2024 Website, the digital gateway for those who are interested in the Olympics, deploying its services to ensure the digital platform is easily managed with minimal interruption and provides smooth user experience for the various interactive activities via its website.

The following year in June, Alibaba Cloud supported Tokyo 2020 as the first Olympics Games to be broadcast on the cloud. OBS’s content delivery platform Content+ is fully migrated to the cloud for delivering short-form content, content asset management and content production, offering a new model for content delivery that drives operational efficiency and greater agility.

In February, 2022, Alibaba Cloud supported Beijing 2022 to migrate its core games technology services to the cloud, thereby reducing the time and cost investment on IT infrastructure, hardware and associated management. This aided Beijing 2022 to streamline its planning and management and deliver a more seamless user experience.

Chris Tung, president of Corporate Development, Alibaba Holding Group, and William Xiong, VP of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence and General Manager of Enterprise Service Cloud

Energy Expert

Alibaba Cloud’s AI-driven sustainability solution—Energy Expert—has been trialed to measure and analyze carbon emissions from temporary construction built to host the first Olympic Esports Week in Singapore from June 22 to 25, generating data-driven insights on the choice of materials and equipment.

Energy Expert allowed event organizers to identify the sources of the carbon emissions from venue construction and operation, quantify the carbon footprint generated by a venue and visualize a venue’s sustainability performance via an integrated dashboard and online reports.


VR Table Tennis Match: Experience Eleven Table Tennis, which utilizes Alibaba Cloud for its virtual reality table tennis game that gives players all over the world an immersive gaming experience. The game is powered by Alibaba Cloud Global Network which provides E2E data transmission encryption, global network coverage and ultra-low latency to eliminate security and reliability concerns.

Cloudverse: Cloudverse is a one-stop solution that helps businesses design, build and manage a metaverse space. Alibaba Cloud provides scalable, highly efficient, and secure cloud infrastructure offerings for the provision of the Cloudverse, including computing, storage, database, networking, and intelligent operations platforms.

Health Games for Seniors: Alibaba Cloud is providing cloud computing support to upscale intergenerational health games, enabling the emerging technology to be more accessible to the ageing Singaporean population, who can greatly benefit from it.

The first Olympic Esports Week in Singapore

The hunting bike game turns physical exercise for the user into a fun and engaging activity. By using Advanced Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to translate pedaling motions into in-game actions, it allows the seniors to train their lower limb strength while interacting with the game.

Physio Ping Pong is an innovative motion sensor game that combines both physical and cognitive activities, helping seniors to stay active and stimulate their cognitive function concurrently.

Cleaner, sustainable

Alibaba Cloud also partnered in i Light Singapore 2023, where it unveiled its latest sustainability solution with an immersive light experience to put a spotlight on sustainability and encourages greener lifestyle choices.

Energy Expert was also used to analyze carbon emissions at Lightwave: Turning the Tide, an immersive light display at Marina Bay from June 1 to 25, providing actionable insights and energy-saving recommendations for future editions of the event.

i Light resulted in pledges for the green movements and vision for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 online via the i Light i Pledge. For each pledge submitted online, a visual unique to each pledge was generated using Alibaba Cloud’s artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

The initiative showed how a small step from an individual can contribute to a more sustainable future for all as each pledge submitted by the public (up to the first 5,000 pledges), 100 grams of waste will be removed from Singapore’s waterways.


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