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Friday, September 20, 2024

Ex-LTO worker under probe for bullying rider

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Land Transportation Office chief Vigor Mendoza II has summoned a former employee of the agency who was accused of bullying a delivery rider over a traffic misunderstanding in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

The incident was captured on a video that went viral on social media.

The summon would be delivered to Gregorio Glean for him to appear before the central office in Quezon City this week as part of the investigation into the incident.

“As soon as I watched the video, I immediately instructed the director of LTO-Region 3 to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, especially that there was an allegation that the motorist involved is connected with the LTO,” Mendoza said.

Glean was an ex-job order at the Driver’s Licensing and Renewal Office of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

“I expect him to honor the summon. Failure to do so means that he is waiving his right for all the measures that we would take against him not only as a driver’s license holder but also a former LTO personnel who is supposed to be a model of courtesy and discipline on the road,” Mendoza said.

He gave instructions to make sure that Glean will no longer be hired by the LTO, especially that the LTO chief found out that Glean was appealing to the LTO-Region 3 to go back to his old job.

“Based on the report submitted to my office, this man has long been removed from the LTO before this incident happened. But we will take more actions against him in connection with his abusive behavior on the road,” he said.

Glean was supposedly armed, and he had grabbed the rider’s phone and hurled it to the ground.

The altercation ended with the LTO officer driving away from the scene, and the emotional rider was left sitting on the side of the road. He also sought the help of police officers after the incident.

LTO Region 3 said a show cause order was already issued on Glean and that the hearing of the case was already concluded, the result was already forwarded to the LTO Central Office Intelligence and Investigation Division.

Mendoza vowed that due process would be observed in the conduct of the legal proceedings in connection with the driver’s license of Glean and the motor vehicle registration of the vehicle involved in the incident.

LTO would also invite delivery rider as a witness in the investigation of the incident, adding that they will also coordinate with the local police force for any legal action that the delivery rider would pursue.


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