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Friday, September 20, 2024

Russia, China should discipline Israel

We are more concerned with the pent-up fury of the Palestinians who are being slaughtered daily by the Jews, than our own country’s promotion of peace and safety

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China and Russia should combine their power to put substance to what the UN stands for today.

But international relations now seem to demand some kind of firm rules from those who feel they have been given the extraordinary power to enforce some of its provisions.

Like any law in place, the State must somehow emphasize that such power exists to enforce those rules.

The state of Israel is a product of political mutation that rose out from the political aberration when Nazi Germany exterminated the Jews.

After that, Israel was created by the consensus exerted by the US called “unilateralism,” which was to enforce and vindicate Israel, such that the US today serves to rule the world, only to be observed by the members.

The UN charter is not a product of compromise with the thought of promoting peace.

The US usurped it as an opportunity after it won the war.

The present-day Israel is a state borne out of Palestine.

Long before the WWII started in ancient Europe, their hatred already existed against the Jews.

Old Hispanic rule made their vigorous campaign against Israel by expelling them from the Iberian Peninsula by way of Alhambra Decree in 1492.

It was the Spaniards that promoted the first anti-Semitic’s movement.

Their hatred of the Jews stem in their denial of Christ as a person and of its religion.

Jews today insist they are Christians, when doctrinally, they have nothing in common with Christianity.

The Muslims are even better than the Israelis for they acknowledge the existence of the Blessed Virgin Mary and mentions Angel Gabriel in their Koran.

The compromise that brought about the creation of the state of Israel was a total failure.

Since 1947, when the state of Israel was proclaimed by the advocates of Zionism, not an inch of land was ever conceded to the Palestinians to show their desire to reach a settlement agreement with the Palestinians.

The neo-Nazi occupiers of Palestine did not even take into account that they are the illegal occupants of Palestine.

In the nearly four major wars the Jews fought against the Arabs, not an inch was surrendered by Israel to the Arabs.

Rather, they take their conflict with the Arabs as an opportunity to legally expand.

The state of Israel has consistently ignored UN resolution 242 demanding that it withdraws from all the lands it occupied in the 1967 June war.

It has even rejected the two-state solution to the Palestinian question which goes to show that the present leaderships of the state of Israel are cold-blooded Nazis, worse than the followers of Hitler in World War II.

Israel today is an epitome of a fascist state pretending to observe the US idealism of freedom of democracy.

Israel has become the enforcer of the nuclear test ban agreement which no nuclear power state like Russia and China can enforce.

Israel has unilaterally imposed its will against states that threaten its own security when it bombed Libya, Iran, Iraq but not against Pakistan, India, China, UK and France.

Israel has been so selective as to what country should have a nuclear power, provided they will not threaten their existence.

They even sabotage the nuclear program of other countries. Without the world knowing it, Israel is the biggest arms manufacturer in the world next only to Russia and the US.

Many suspect the US is eyeing to make the fascist state of Israel to be its worthy successor to fight against Russia and China.

This explains why the US has not made obligatory for Israel to submit itself to the nuclear arms agreement.

Just like Israel, the US has maintained a strict silence on the status of Israel’s nuclear stockpile. The concept of accommodation has become doubly harder to reach with the development of nuclear weapons.

This situation has become a one-sided affair to intimidate, blackmail, and threaten other states opposed to idea of expanding the present state of Israel.

It has not even reprimanded that fascist state of the nuclear testing it conducted, although it is known that it has at its disposal nuclear weapons against any country that may threaten its existence.

That mutant state that calls itself a state of Israel since its inception as a rodent state by the US in 1949 has consistently voted for Taiwan viz. against China, every year in a resolution submitted to the UN general assembly.

Only the US and Israel would vote in favor of said resolution.

As a trivia, the US voted in favor of our delegate to the UN, Carlos P. Romulo, after the latter assured the US and Israel the Philippines will vote for the creation of the state Israel.

The Philippines stands a laughing stock.

We are more concerned with the pent-up fury of the Palestinians who are being slaughtered daily by the Jews, than our own country’s promotion of peace and safety.

Even blacks from Ethiopia are now threatened with deportation by the corrupt Netanyahu government.

([email protected])


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