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Friday, September 20, 2024

Technology department crafting policies to promote online safety

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The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)–in collaboration with social media companies–said it is crafting policies to promote online safety and address online threats.

DICT Spokesperson Renato Paraiso said that the agency has partnered with  Google, YouTube, TikTok, and Meta to intensify cybersecurity efforts as online scams and other cybercrimes. 

Paraiso said the partnership will ensure that the social media platform community standards and regulations they have set forth are aligned with the goals and policies of the government toward online safety. 

“Current collaborations have made responses to reports more immediate when it comes to cybersecurity, data privacy, and other related matters,” he added. 

As reported by the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC) under the Office of the President, the total number of online scams – such as those that happen across social media – went up to nearly triple what it was in the same period of 2022, in the first half of 2023, reaching 4,446 reported cases.

Social media comprises one of the key pillars of digital transformation, especially as more than 70 percent of Filipinos are active on various social media platforms, directly contributing to the potential pool of victims of online scams, the DICT noted.

Paraiso added that the agency together with social media companies will launch public awareness campaigns that educate the public about the risks of online harms and provide actionable steps to stay safe online.

“Workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance the knowledge and skills of both the private and public sector on online safety and responsible online behavior have already been conducted throughout the year,” he added. 

Meanwhile, the CICC is warning the public against various online scams during the holidays. 

CICC Executive Director Undersecretary Alexander Ramos said that cyber criminals usually take advantage of public holidays when people are away. 

“We want the public to be more vigilant against various online scam activities especially when we are out of our homes,” Ramos said.

Caution Against Open and Unsecured Wi-Fi

Connecting to an open and unsecured Wi-Fi network can put any device at risk which can access personal information as hackers can use data to control the devices and steal identity and even money.

CICC is advising the public to avoid using public Wi-Fi and use mobile networks instead. “People enjoy accessing these open Wi-Fi because they are free without realizing that their open and unsecured nature also makes them vulnerable to attackers,” Ramos said.

Ramos explained that gadgets can be susceptible to Man-in-The -Middle (MTM) attacks through open wi-Fi connections. “An attacker will intercept the communication flow between your handsets and  browser and steal information and potentially allow your device to be hijacked,” Ramos said .

Fake e-wallet apps and fake customer service

Fake e-wallet apps which are apps that look like legitimate e-wallet apps but are actually created by scammers are also wide-spread. “Scammers can access your real e-wallet credentials if  you download and install a fake e-wallet app. The public must download e-wallet from legitimate app stores,” Ramos revealed.

Fake customer service numbers which are fake phone numbers, email addresses or even FB Messenger chat pretending to be banks and e-wallet companies are also rampant.

“These fake customer service channels will target your personal information and money. Always check the source of the channel if it’s legitimate or not,” he said.

Tech support scams

Another form of online scam is the fake tech support where scammers will call to scare you that there is a problem with your account be it online banking, ecommerce site, or e-wallet in order to get your personal information. 

“Ignore calls from numbers you don’t know. The scammers will claim that there is a problem with your account and that they need your personal information to fix the problem. However, the scammers will simply steal your personal information and money.

Phishing scams

Expect more phishing scam emails and text messages which can appear from legitimate companies which can contain a link to a fake website that looks like their actual websites. Clicking the link can compromise your banking, e-wallet, ecommerce accounts. 

“Never click links from unknown emails or text messages because these are phishing scams that can lead to account take over by stealing personal information, account name and passwords. Worse, many may also include malware,” he added.

Fake Online Shopping Stores

Now that the Christmas season has begun, Ramos also warned the public to be careful of fake online shopping stores in ecommerce sites and social media with fake products. “Never believe too good to be true sales offers. If the product is too cheap then it must be fake or worse, it does not exist. Always check the legitimacy of the seller and never transact outside the ecommerce site,” he said.

Package Scams 

Be on the watch of deceptive emails and text messages about intercepted package delivery to trick people into giving personal details, money, and data by tricking them into clicking a link or attachment with malware. 

“Always verify the sender or email address. Make sure that you don’t schedule a delivery when you are not home. Never entertain messages or calls from unknown senders,” he said.

Dugo-Dugo Gang

The most traditional way of scamming that translated online is the Dugo-dugo Gang where criminals would call the house to report an accident of the homeowners that would require some money.

 “This is the most conventional that continues to victimize a lot of people. People left in should always have a way to contact the homeowner to verify reports of accidents and other emergencies,” he added.

Ramos reiterated to report incidents of online scams to the Inter-Agency Response Center (I-ARC) Hotline 1326. Additional I-ARC numbers are also available: 0947-714-7105 (SMART), 0966-976-5971 (Globe), and 0991-481-4225 (DITO).


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